We open the show up with a video for Veterans Day, with Cena doing the voice over. We are opening the show with Randy Orton, a member of Team Foley at Survivor Series, taking on Dolph Ziggler. Can anyone remember the last time Ziggler won a match? I can't to be honest. These guys usually have good matches but why do I care about Ziggler? We are six days away and we still don't know all of Team Foley (I'm still guessing it'll be Miz) and we are six days away. Also why is it still Team Foley? When Mr. McMahon decided to change the main event it really screwed things up. Good match so far, the fans really like Orton. Sadly King is not at ringside yet. Wow even with Alberto Del Rio coming out for the distraction Orton wins. Kofi Kingston just came out for the save. Now Teddy Long is out and because it is a supershow we not have a tag match between these four men right now!
This is an interesting match and I assume that we'll find out the 5th man here at some point. Kofi is being worked on because Orton is too important to play the guy in trouble. I think Ziggler was actually late for that save! Alberto with a win off the enziguri. Orton just helped Kofi up and no RKO. He deserves one for not taking the handshake from Miz last week. Good grief here comes Vicki Guerrero so we'll have more of the AJ Lee loves John Cena crap next!
We come back and Dolph is still in the ring with Vicki. Please make it stop! Dolph is out there for the truth. The truth is a bunch of people are turning over to ESPN to watch Monday Night Football. They are now showing us all the evidence YET again! Can we get a "Fire Vince" chant going please. She is now calling AJ out to the ring, just run out there and admit it to put an end to our suffering. AJ isn't going to lie, I wish someone would ask her if she thinks people like this crap. AJ really is a great looking young lady. The sad thing is we'll see this at least a second or third time tonight. AJ just admitted she had an affair....or actually she admitted Cena and her are just friends. They keep saying affair, wouldn't two single people hooking up not be an affair but a good time? Really? A fat joke?
Is this still going on? I think I had a birthday during this. Now we are getting voice mails. This is horrible. I don't want to sit here and bash WWE but this is just bad. STOP THE PAIN! It is crap like this that turns wrestling fans off of WWE. Wow AJ is really small yet she just slapped the crap out of Dolph. This was the one of the worst wastes of TV I've seen in a while. They wonder why they aren't pulling half of what both Raw and WCW Nitro used to pull for viewers.
Oooo, William Regal is on the WWE App and he looks ready to wrestle. Will it be Regal and The Big Show tonight? I hope so. A good interview about Regal's long career and that he is going to keep fighting. Why not give Regal a match every week instead of that shit we just saw.
We come back and now the two, AJ and Cena, are flirting and Cena is like a 14 year old boy talking to his crush. This just gets worse and worse! We now see Big Show beating up Sheamus and Regal last week in a pub overseas.
Wait, could Regal use the Power of the Punch (yes I am bringing up a storyline from 10 years ago) to knock out Show? Regal and Fit Finlay had an amazing brawl years ago in a parking lot on Nitro that made me want to keep watching wrestling. Some jackass on Twitter just say WTF to this match. Screw you asshat! Good grief you should see the chest of William Regal. It looks like his entire chest is bleeding from the chops Show gave him and now it is time for Regal to get hit with the WMD, but here come Sheamus for the save. Regal got squashed but lets hope we see him more and more. He is still better than 2/3rds of the roster!
It isn't a good sign when I look at the time clock and sigh because it has only been 50 minutes. Seriously not good.
We come back and it is Layla taking on Kaitlyn. Neither get an entrance and we have Eve Torres at ringside. The winner of this match gets a shot at the Diva's title and it is Kaitlyn. That was quick because we have to have two or three recaps of the Cena shit. Why have the match if it was only 90 seconds at most!
They are now recapping the situation with Lawler a few months ago. I am not a fan of this. They are showing him on the stretcher, they highlighted a shot showing him collapse on the table. I don't agree with this at all. Good grief they just showed him being worked on in an ambulance. Not needed. As I said he would be coming out at 9pm and he is up next.
Now I know that Lawler has no problem with what they just showed. King is a life long fan and has been in the business forever! I just don't think that we needed that. Talk about him passing out and needing CPR but don't show it. A lot of people on twitter are saying the same thing about them showing the footage of King. Just not needed guys. Shame on you Vince and whoever decided to do that.
Here he comes and he looks really good. I am glad he is back and healthy and again I know he is okay with everything but I feel like they are exploiting him and I wouldn't be surprised to see Punk and Paul Heyman come out during this. This feels very heart felt as he embraces Michael Cole and Jim Ross. Lawler is about to break down and this is what we wanted to see not that crap before. Honestly I am too good because here comes Punk and Heyman.
Wow Punk just said he would've beat Lawler to death...again. A true heel! I love that Punk just says the truth and that makes him a heel. Punk is one of the few people who truly want to be hated. Very few wrestlers want that anymore. They all want to be like the nWo years ago and be those cool bad guys. Are they really going to have Heyman fake a heart attack? Again I know King is okay with it but again not sure this is needed. There is bad taste in wrestling, there always will be, but this.....okay they didn't actually go through with it. Not good though guys, really not good. Here comes Mick Foley. They are going to have the WWE Universe pick the last member of Team Foley.
If you take out the Lawler stuff I really like the stuff between Foley and Punk. Foley is amazing when he is motivated. Foley is going to be the guest enforcer for our main event tonight. Up next we'll see Titus O'Neil/Darren Young/Epico/Primo taking on Rey Misterio/Sin Cara/Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd.
The girls don't get entrances but Cara and Misterio do? Really? This could be a good match if given time but we do have recaps to have! Again I like Titus and Young, I might be the only guy but I do. I hate that the only time guys fall onto the second rope is when Rey is in the ring. I had to step away from my TV and I see someone saying that Lawler said a racial comment? What did I miss? I also missed Ricardo giving Rosa a letter. They are actually going to do a storyline between Alberto and Rosa, interesting. I love that tons of people on Twitter don't understand because they don't pay attention. The WWE app is pretty cool as they are showing the match while the show is on commercial. WCW used to do that once a month. I dig it.
This has been a good match thus far as Rey Rey finally gets the tag. I like that Tyson Kidd is getting some TV time. He really could be a star if he could work in a little more psychology into his matches in my opinion. The high flyers get the win as Justin hit his 450 splash on Young. A really good match!
Heyman takes a walk with Maddox. Could they go with my DQ idea? This actually has me quite interested suddenly.
YES! Fandango will be here soon! Miz is in the back and on the phone. Ziggler and Miz talk and we get that stupid crowd watching a screen shot. They are really pushing for Miz to get voted on his team. It will be Miz or Santino Marella or Zach Ryder getting the last spot on Team Foley. If it isn't miss and one of those morons from Team CoBro in I might stop watching. At the Survivor Series it will be Antonio Cesaro taking on R-Truth and Truth is in action next.
They just showed a commercial for a WWE Film The Day and I want to see it. Why the hell do I have to wait till February for Psych
So it is R-Truth taking on Tensai. Truth will get the victory here and he did. I did miss Lawler at ringisde. R-Truth just did a knock knock joke. Really? R-Truth is a former US Champ? Why don't I remember that? Two years ago, I had to look it up.
They are showing a preview for the new nWo documentary. I have seen the documentary part and it was pretty cool but I wish it was longer and less knocking the nWo and WCW. I'll do a review soon for it.
On Raw Interactive they interviewing Maddox. He mentions that the camera man is his best friend, I hope they do a Ralphus thing with him.
And here are our recaps but amazingly they leave out all the heart attack stuff.
No music for Maddox? They are backing up an ambulance into the arena! Lawler just said it was his ride! LONG LIVE THE KING! They now have brought out a stretcher as well. The fans are into Ryback. So far not a good match but what you'd expect, Ryback throwing Maddox around. Wow a vicious powerbomb then another and another! I'm not sure why they are having this if Maddox is going to lose, which he did. What was the point?
Next up is Sheamus and David Otunga
Seriously three hours of Raw is too much. We are back and Josh Matthews tells us Regal is awake but might have a broken jaw. Keep getting up Regal! In the back Daniel Bryan and Kane talking about the next match. I LOVE Team Hell no! Daniel is amazing! Up next is Team Rhodes Scholars, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow taking on Kane and The Miz...I mean the winner of the voting. If it is one of those Team CoBro idiots I might cry. Wow did Lawler just bring up puppies? 1999 just called Kingfish (and I use a 1995 reference so I won). 60% voted for Miz? I wonder if those are real results. I do like that Santino only got 6% because he is just awful. Daniel has an awesome beard! Not as awesome as mine but pretty damn cool.
I like all four guys, five if you include Daniel, in this match. It will be interesting to see if Miz turns good or if they leave him a heel after this. Kane is having another resurgence of his career. The crowd is chanting "Miz is Awesome" which he is and I love Daniel pouting at ringside. Daniel is now "cheering" for the Miz saying he can do it. LOVE IT! Daniel tried to screw Miz but it ended up setting up the win. Now the trio argue in the ring. Best thing on this show easily if you ask me.
Flo Rida? Really? Can my rap name is going to Mi Chigan or Cali Fornia? Also Kid Rock? The Muppets? One of these don't believe and its the Muppets because they are talented! Yeah, I went there.
Time for the main event with Foley as our guest enforcer. I still wonder what Heyman talked to Maddox about. For once I have no clue what they are doing and I like that. Punk has controlled a lot of this match. I want Punk to keep the title. If I was booking I would have Punk continue as champion until at least Wrestlemania if not another year. People still enjoy him, he keeps his character fresh and can have good matches with anyone. This last hour has helped me forget some of the crap in the first hour or 90 minutes. I really don't like Cena's shoulder block, it just doesn't look good. However Cena has shown how tough he is recently and I respect him just don't enjoy him usually. These two always have great matches, they really do. Wow that made me sad, seeing Mick Foley trying to hurry around the ring to get to Paul Heyman. I love Punk biting on his hand, pulling at the wrist bands to escape the STFU. Punk wisely walking away, he has a title match Sunday but here comes Ryback of course, who has no business out there! Cena with the FU and a victory. Yet again the champ is left down and out at the end of a show. Worse he is shown basically crying over the fact that Ryback and Cena have his belt. *sigh*
I am done. It was a rough show folks as have most of the 3 hours Raws. Until next time Abyssinia!
Albert Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler defeated Randy Orton/Kofi Kingston
Kaitlyn defeated Layla
Rey Misterio/Sin Cara/Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd defeated Titus O'Neil/Darren Young/Epico/Primo
R-Truth defeated Tensai
Ryback defeated Brad Maddox
Sheamus defeated David Otunga.
Kane/Miz defeated Team Rhodes Scholars
John Cena defeated CM Punk
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