
A storm is coming....

Last week the Supreme Court did something it shouldn't have.  It shouldn't have made "gay marriage" legal.  Wait, before you freak out, let me finish.  It shouldn't have made "gay marriage" legal because it doesn't exist.  Marriage is marriage be it between two men or two women or a man and a woman. That is all the the Supreme Court should have said.  There is only marriage and love and for anyone to look at this and be sad or disgusted or with hatred...I don't know what to say.  I don't know how you can look at two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives devoted to each other and hate that.  There are people out there wish they could find that kind of love and commitment and never will yet some out there feel the need to destroy that or not allow it.  

I understand that some people look at this as going against "God" but to me why would "God" not love people for who they are.  I am a firm believer that you don't choose to be straight or gay.  You are born who you are.  I hate that we identify ourselves that way but that is something else for another time.  I don't identify as straight or gay or bi or transexual or tri-sexual or anything else.  I am me, I am Gene Bennett.  

Now I understand that we all have free will (which is debatable as well) and that we are man have the ability to choice to live in sin or not.  However explain to me how being born is a sin.  These people didn't choice to be gay.  Do you think they one day decided I want to live the rest of my life being shunned by nearly everyone.  At 14 being kicked out of my house by my parents.  To get mocked constantly by my peers at school.  To get fired from work.  These are all things that have happened to people.  In Utah recently a young man was beaten and left for dead at his family business for no other reason then he was gay.  You think ANYONE would choice that kind of life?  Of course not.  I have never asked nor would I ever ask but I'm willing to be many of those young men and women cried when they were alone wish they could just "be like everyone else".  How many times have you heard about young men and women killing themselves because of the torment they went through!  

Now that I think about it where does "God" say love thy neighbor unless he or she is gay, if that is they are sinners and deserve to die. 

The "God" I once believed in was a loving "God" who wouldn't want his followers and his people judging and killing each other just because they were different.  However that isn't "God" is it?  No he is all about killing....but I'm veering off course again.

My point is that we as a nation, a world and dare I say a species need to start evolving.  There is a storm coming boys and girls.  I think we can all feel it  We are more and more divided each day.  Divided by sex.  Divided by sexual preference.  Divided by class.  Divided by race.  Divided by nationality.  Divided by language.  Divided by religion.  That storm is coming and everyone will be caught up in it.  We can't stop it, we can only prepare for it and hopefully reduce it. 


Stop hating someone because their different.  How does it affect you?  Answer...it doesn't.  Stop hurting each other.  Stop fighting stop everything!  Stop and look yourself in the mirror and ask how you would want to be treated.  Treat each other how you'd like to be treated.  Its simple.  Its easy but we can't do it.  We can't because we're human and we suck.  We are horrible to each other and everything around us.  We are.  We destroy everything we touch.  I swear to "God" it is time to give the planet to the next species and see if they can't fuck up a little less.  Give it to the dogs or the birds or lizards or better yet just blow this whole planet up before we go out there and infect the rest of the Universe with our taint.  Before we go out and infect the rest of the Universe with our hate!

In what should have been the beginning of a great week celebrating a great thing I realize that all this did for me is to highlight just how far we have to go...and I don't know if we can.  But there is always hope.  Hope that the next generation can pull their heads out of their asses and find a cure for the hatred that rests in humanity.  That there is some grand cure or vaccination that will stop it.  Perhaps the newer generations can be immune and we just have to wait for us older generations to die off. But it only takes one to bring it back.  Hate is like the zombie virus, one person can create a horde and much like the zombie virus hate will be what destroys humanity.


Book Review: Catching Fire

Much like the first book I felt this book was okay.  I'd have given it a 2.5 if I could but you can't so 2 it is.

Overall this felt like a middle book.  I felt like it was a slightly better read but still missing something.  I don't know what it is, but something is missing from making really enjoy the books.

Once again I feel like everyone but Peeta and Effie is bipolar.  However I do feel that the author did a little better with character development here as some of the tributes were more fleshed out.  However I still don't have any kind of emotional attachment to any of the characters.  None what so ever.  I felt nothing about the ending revelations.  In fact I feel like there were several missed opportunities where it was taken in the obvious direction instead of a unique direction.

I realize this is a young adult book but I feel like so much of it written for the lowest common denominator.  I think it could have been one of the those books that made kids think about more adult concepts and what not but instead you have a teen girl who constantly flip flops on who she "loves".  That "hates" her mom.  Just typical stuff that you'd expect from a "teenager".  Perhaps it makes her more real but its also makes her annoying in my opinion.  As I said about the Hunger Games I don't like Katniss and actually wanted her to die in the games, now I have in two games.

I also don't feel like the character of the President is sinister enough.  We hear from him a few times in this book and we're suppose to fear him.  I fear Thread or whoever the peacekeeper in 12 was.  Also what is the deal with the smell of blood.  Does he actually drink it?  I assume/hope we'll find out in book three but I don't trust it.

Also the pregnancy angle was silly and added nothing to the story.  Now if they got helped because of it that would be one thing but they didn't seem to so why add it.  So we could have something else for Katniss to complain about I guess!

Again I did enjoy this more so hopefully Mockingjay will be better!

Until next time...May the odds ever be in your favor...what whatever they say!!


The Hunger Games...the Book...a review

I guess I never wrote a review of the Hunger Games movie.  I know I talked about it a bit over on Facebook but lets just say I didn't like it.  A lot of my friends suggested I try the book and I did.

  • Overall I guess I should start with a rating.  Average at best.  I have to remember it is a young adult book so I'll say 2.5 out of 5.  In the middle.  I didn't hate it but I don't see myself going back and reading it again.
  • Let me say I can't stand Katniss.  Having seen the movie and since she was the star of the book (and this wasn't Stephen King) I knew she wasn't dying but there were so many times I hoped it would happen!
    • I found her constant whining annoying.  Perhaps it is because I'm an old man and don't remember being a teenage or because I was a teenage boy instead of a teenage girl but she was just so annoying.  I wanted the tracker jackers to killer and then the muttations and then Peeta! 
    • She seemed to flip flop a lot.  I mentioned on Facebook as I was finishing the book up that she had more bipolar than Pinkman on Breaking Bad and Lori on The Walking Dead put together!  
  • My biggest complaint about the movie and now the book is that I didn't really care about any of the other characters in the games.  I guess we are just suppose to care because these are teens or preteens being forced to kill each other but it isn't enough for me.  
    • Perhaps Rue's death was suppose to make me feel something but I didn't really because there just wasn't enough background or development for me to care.
  • I have to say I enjoy the concept for the book although it isn't original but then again in 2010 (or whenever it was released) it is hard to have an original idea
  • I enjoyed the Peeta character a little more mostly because I felt he was written a little closer to a regular person and who doesn't relate to the loving someone who doesn't know you exist theme
  • In my mind all of the Capital people were dressed like they were from "The Apple".  I wonder they had Bim time at the Capital.
  • That is how it ends?  Really?  I kind of want to know the rest of the story but I don't know if I want to read more (I won't be sitting through more of Jennifer's "acting").  It wasn't anything special but its sort of enjoyable and a quick read...
I'm sure I had other thoughts while reading this but I've forgot.  Overall if you haven't read it I can't suggest it.  I don't think you'll be disappointed if you remember its a young adult book.  I expected a little more I think personally but I usually go into things with to high expectations (looking at you Transformers movie series!)

Until next time...May the odds be ever in your favor...and goofy "future" fashion as well!!


Jurassic World Review

Over the weekend I went and saw the movie Jurassic World.  This movie made over 500 millions dollars world wide opening weekend making it the biggest opening of all time!  That is huge for a movie that is the fourth in a series, especially after #2 and #3 weren't what you consider fan favorites.
Overall I really enjoyed this flick.  It was just an enjoyable action film that didn't take itself too seriously but wasn't a joke SyFy flick either.  Its been several days since I watched it but thinking back where are some thoughts I had on it:

  • The acting we well done even by the younglings.  I didn't want to kill the kid in the film like I do most movies
  • I was disappointed that Judy Greer didn't have a big part.  I think she is an underrated actress
  • Chris Pratt once again showed that he has a great career ahead of him.  He has gone from Parks and Recreation, a show I can't stand (I blame Amy Poehler and Adam Scott), to a great action comedy star.  He has great timing for the one liners that some actors just don't have (I'm looking your way Shia!)
  • While it was weird not to see any of the main stars from the first three I didn't really miss them.  It would have been nice tor them to be mentioned at some point.  
  • It is sad that Tim Curry isn't able to act as I felt the new park owner was a poor mans Curry
  • The dinosaurs are as amazing now as they were twenty some years ago
  • The new dinosaur created for the movie, Indominus‍ Rex, is pretty cool looking.  A little goofy looking with the arms but cool looking
  • Did I mention how cool the dinosaurs in general look?
  • I thought Bryce Dallas Howard did a good job in the film.  I haven't really cared for her in anything else I've seen her in but this she was perfect in.
It can't be all beer and skittles though.  There are a few issues (minor) here but they will spoil things possibly so if you haven't seen the flick don't keep reading.  You've been warned!
  • There is a brief story line involving the young kids and their parents that seemed forced and had no real resolution.  It wouldn't have shaved time or anything but it seemed like things were cut so the storyline should have been cut.
  • Vincent D'Onofrio was an odd choice for his character.  While he did an okay job I think that might be been the wrong person to cast.  Perhaps it is because I can't help but see and hear his Law and Order character in everything he does.
It has taken me two days to write this as I've been doing it between things at work.  The one cool thing I ran into while doing this is that some people want to believe that Owen is the kid from the first film.  You know the one that gets the raptor speech.  "The point is... you are alive when they start to eat you. So you know... try to show a little respect."  It is a fun theory, but without basis that I can see other than he seems to have a "bond" with the raptors.  

Overall this was a great popcorn movie.  I am surprised by the 7.6 rating on IMDB as of 9:30 on 6/18.  I personally gave it a 9 which might be a little high but I think 7.6 is a little low.  I expected a higher 8.5 or so overall.  Even more surprised that Rotten Tomatoes only has it as 70% fresh. I guess I liked it more then the average person which is rare.

Perhaps it is just the nostalgic factor, who knows, but I really enjoyed the film and would easily see it a second time in theaters.  

There you go, just some random thoughts on Jurassic World!

"Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and um, screaming"


Is Hope Solo related to Hans?

Above is a video of Keith Olbermann saying that Hope Solo should be suspended for her domestic abuse charge back in February.  I made the same argument back then!  Hope is accused of attacking her half-sister and nephew.  During the piece they show several videos.

  1. Hope Solo saying SHE is the victim that she was attacked by her 17 year old nephew who is "6'9" 280 pounds".  
  2. Her half sister talking about Hope slamming nephews head into the concrete over and over again.  Her (the half sister) getting punched in the face and spitting out a tooth and yelling for 911 to be called.  
  3. Hope being upset that she is being compared with Ray Rice
  4. Video of what I assume is Hope in the court room (her charges were dropped due to procedural issues....her sister and nephew refused to a second set of depositions...more on this later) while a police officer does a voice over of how she behaved at the scene (lets say it is very Britt McHenry like).  
So here is where I have trouble with all this, and really why I am writing this, where is the outrage over Hope Solo?  Ray Rice was scum.  Adrian Peterson worse than scum.  But Hope Solo isn't?  Is it because she is a beautiful woman while Rice and Peterson are male?  Is it race?  Or is it because the NFL is something big and FIFA World Cup not so much (in America except when it is happening).  

I think it is all of the above with a mixing of race sprinkled in for flavor!  Let me say that I struggle with suspending athletes for this stuff.  I do!  I know I said I called for Hope to be suspended, and I did, but I struggle with it.  If I beat my significant other will I be suspended or fired?  I don't know to be completely honest...that is a good question...but I don't think I would.  If I worked at McDonald's I wouldn't.  So why should they?  And there isn't an easy answer for that.

NFL players, again I don't know about Hope, sign a collectively bargained set of rules and also have guidelines in their contract.  If, in either of those, there is a morals clause then they are screwed.  That is what the NFL got both Peterson and Rice on, damaging the integrity of the shield (what they call the NFL because of the logo).  The NFL didn't really give to craps about Rice beating his wife or Peterson his son.  What they cared about was that it damaged the way people looked at the NFL.  For that reason and that reason alone they suspended them.  Peterson is back with the Vikings while Ray Rice may never play football again!

But Hope Solo continued to play soccer for the US team.  They just beat the Aussies if I remember correctly (and I think Keith said it in the video).  She was suspended for 30 days when her husband was arrested for DUI while driving a team van.  Wait...doesn't that sound familiar?  Hurting the integrity of the shield/league?  Ah yes, now I get it.

People didn't associate Hope Solo with soccer because she is bigger than the sport!  She is on magazine covers and Dancing with the Stars damn it!  You think Hope Solo you think that beautiful woman from DwtS who also is a goalie or something.  So she beat up her sister...well half sister so it only half counts!  Wait...what car was her former NFL star husband driving?  OUR VAN!  DAMN IT HOPE!  

Another ESPN video about this two soccer analyst basically says that the one good thing that comes out of all this is this team is used to Hope Solo being in the news.  That they'll gather round, close the nest around her and go into protective mode.  What?  So what this woman is saying is that the team accepts Hope for Hope so it is okay?  I'm so confused!

I am so confused as to what is okay and what isn't for "stars" and "role models" anymore!  I do not support Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson or Aaron Hernandez (the NFL star who is now a convicted murder) or Hope Solo.  I don't.  I find anyone who beats or kills another human being for any reason other than self defense or my entertainment (pro wrestling, boxing, MMA, etc.) to be scum of the Earth and I have no purpose for them...but that doesn't mean that I won't watch the NFL or soccer (if I was a fan...which I'm not).  

But again why does Hope get a pass?  That is what I want to know.  We've shown outrage for others but not her. 

WelL I've ranted and raved long enough.  Until next time....Abyssinai!! 


Did I really just read an article about masturbating On The Q Train While Eating a Gyro? (that is what we call clickbait!)

A few weeks ago or whenever an old high school friend suggested I start blogging again (mostly due to my random nerdy comments and the hilarious zingers I post....this is my blog and my reality so shut up you!) I thought a while and did it.  I thought to myself that this time it'll be different.  I will just do the nerdy stuff, book reviews, movie reviews, some pro-wrestling stuff perhaps but nothing heavy.

That is why I stopped last time, I found myself doing more political stuff and heavy stuff.  I don't want to but it is what I find myself writing about again and again and again.  I find myself confused by the ignorance and stupidity of the average person until the anger and bitterness flows out of me on this blog!  I have half a dozen half written posts I stopped because they were "old Gene" rantings. Then I realized something, it wasn't "old Gene" come out to play, but just me.  So fuck it, I am going to be me!

Two things I am going to talk about.  Caitlyn Jenner and the is the stupid Facebook post I found from Anna Breslaw dating back to December of last year!

I should know that when you start anything off with "let me explain my position" or "I know this is going to sound sexist but..." that I am probably opening a can of worms better left closed but I'm not that smart!

I know this is going to sound sexist but I hate feminist.  I do.  Why?  Because they are just sexist with a better sounding name!  I am all for equality, I really am despite the jokes I make at times...but they're all funny so it is okay.....like when you make jokes about Republicans or Sarah Palin.  Some of the most influential people in my professional life have been women.  I won't say their names here because I don't have permission but my first IT boss and the store manager at a certain bookstore in Twin Falls Idaho taught me a lot about how to treat people professionally, something I forgot at times.  I believe that women should get equal pay if they do the same job at the same skill level as anyone else.  I believe they should get more time off after having younglings (I also believe the father should get the same time off to be there and support the mother of his baby).  I am for EQUAL rights. However I am not for this "I want everything equal but treat me different" that some feminist want.  I treat everyone equal until you give me a reason not to.

There now that you guys are properly skewed to hate me and everything my white male privileged view point will give let me continue this horribly written rant!

A friend posted an old Twitter post from a Anna Breslaw who has written such excellent articles for Comso as "7 sad but true reasons women fake orgasms" and a blog post for Cosmo entitled "I Had Sex With Myself On The Q Train While Eating a Gyro."  No I did not read either but if I call myself a journalist I guess she can too!  Oh and she her twitter description is "crone.  debut novel 4 teenz SCARLETT EPSTEIN HATES IT HERE (Razorbill/Penguin 2016)"  Sorry this makes it sound like I am attacking this person who does something for a living I'd like, I'm not really but I want to give background on the person a bit.  I tried to see if there was a wikipedia page and this came up "do women who have anal sex get more orgasms? Slate, October 11, 2010".  I can't really do much more research on her here at work while waiting for Office to install!

Anywho Anna posted that on twitter back on 12/13/14 "My Sister is doing an experiment:  Whenever men walk towards her,e she doesn't move out of the way first.  So far she has collided with 28 men."

Being the journalist I am I found an article on her sisters "experiment" here.  There are so many things I want to say about this so let me begin....

  • There is no science behind this.  How many men moved verse how many didn't?  How many women moved verse how many didn't?  What was the control?  
  • 28 people ran into her in New York in how long a period?  I would assume only 28 people in NYC is a good day!
  • Why is she so entitled that she shouldn't have to move?  Because a man should give way to a woman?  
    • This is what I am talking about, equal but different.  YOU move for ME!  I am not saying these men are correct in not moving for her but why should they have to move for her
  • Was she on the correct side of the sidewalk/store/etc.?  Its like a street people
I could go on but this is insane!  Now the article brings up "Manspreading" which apparently is a mass transit things where guys take up several seats because we sit with our legs spread (and honestly almost every man does, I am doing it at my desk right now without realizing it until I typed this).  It apparently is a major problem and I actually had a friend post a different article on it.  I'd like to say I could explain it but I can't.  I guess it is because of our extra bits down there I don't know but I sit that way and for that I guess I am sorry!  I would like to say I don't sit that way in public areas like a train or an airplane but I don't know if I do or not.  Anyway this article, and the other I read about it, imply (and I believe flat out say) that men do this to show that we are dominate over women.  I thought our penis did that! (a horrible joke....leave me alone!).  Seriously though is this true?  Is that what women think?  Is that what men think (consciously or subconsciously)?  I usually have to pay people extra to dominate me!  (YES!  MORE SEX JOKES!)  

I guess my problem is that I have this problem at the store all the time and at no point did I assume it is because they are male or female but just rude.  Is it because I am the privileged white male that I don't assume someone is doing something to me because of what/who I am?  I am not being a smart ass (this time) but actually wondering if that is the case.  

I guess I hate to see this out there with nothing substantial to follow up with it.  Nothing but one person making "observations" that are extremely slanted one way.  Here I should say I am not denying this or saying that the findings are false in any way.  I do not doubt that she had this experience but could her perception influenced her reality?  Its like saying that all babies are loud and annoying.  Guess what, all the babies you notice or experience are probably going to be just that.  

And I could be wrong.  Perhaps all men are leg spreading knocking down people assholes.  If that is true I guess I need to stop moving aside for people. 

I guess I won't go into Caitlyn Jenner as I've ranted and raved more than enough on this and actually took some time to research some of this.  

Until next time, as always, Abyssinia!

(full disclosure I did end up reading the article about having an orgasm why eating a gyro...which was possibly the worst thing I've read since this blog.)