
Is Hope Solo related to Hans?

Above is a video of Keith Olbermann saying that Hope Solo should be suspended for her domestic abuse charge back in February.  I made the same argument back then!  Hope is accused of attacking her half-sister and nephew.  During the piece they show several videos.

  1. Hope Solo saying SHE is the victim that she was attacked by her 17 year old nephew who is "6'9" 280 pounds".  
  2. Her half sister talking about Hope slamming nephews head into the concrete over and over again.  Her (the half sister) getting punched in the face and spitting out a tooth and yelling for 911 to be called.  
  3. Hope being upset that she is being compared with Ray Rice
  4. Video of what I assume is Hope in the court room (her charges were dropped due to procedural issues....her sister and nephew refused to a second set of depositions...more on this later) while a police officer does a voice over of how she behaved at the scene (lets say it is very Britt McHenry like).  
So here is where I have trouble with all this, and really why I am writing this, where is the outrage over Hope Solo?  Ray Rice was scum.  Adrian Peterson worse than scum.  But Hope Solo isn't?  Is it because she is a beautiful woman while Rice and Peterson are male?  Is it race?  Or is it because the NFL is something big and FIFA World Cup not so much (in America except when it is happening).  

I think it is all of the above with a mixing of race sprinkled in for flavor!  Let me say that I struggle with suspending athletes for this stuff.  I do!  I know I said I called for Hope to be suspended, and I did, but I struggle with it.  If I beat my significant other will I be suspended or fired?  I don't know to be completely honest...that is a good question...but I don't think I would.  If I worked at McDonald's I wouldn't.  So why should they?  And there isn't an easy answer for that.

NFL players, again I don't know about Hope, sign a collectively bargained set of rules and also have guidelines in their contract.  If, in either of those, there is a morals clause then they are screwed.  That is what the NFL got both Peterson and Rice on, damaging the integrity of the shield (what they call the NFL because of the logo).  The NFL didn't really give to craps about Rice beating his wife or Peterson his son.  What they cared about was that it damaged the way people looked at the NFL.  For that reason and that reason alone they suspended them.  Peterson is back with the Vikings while Ray Rice may never play football again!

But Hope Solo continued to play soccer for the US team.  They just beat the Aussies if I remember correctly (and I think Keith said it in the video).  She was suspended for 30 days when her husband was arrested for DUI while driving a team van.  Wait...doesn't that sound familiar?  Hurting the integrity of the shield/league?  Ah yes, now I get it.

People didn't associate Hope Solo with soccer because she is bigger than the sport!  She is on magazine covers and Dancing with the Stars damn it!  You think Hope Solo you think that beautiful woman from DwtS who also is a goalie or something.  So she beat up her sister...well half sister so it only half counts!  Wait...what car was her former NFL star husband driving?  OUR VAN!  DAMN IT HOPE!  

Another ESPN video about this two soccer analyst basically says that the one good thing that comes out of all this is this team is used to Hope Solo being in the news.  That they'll gather round, close the nest around her and go into protective mode.  What?  So what this woman is saying is that the team accepts Hope for Hope so it is okay?  I'm so confused!

I am so confused as to what is okay and what isn't for "stars" and "role models" anymore!  I do not support Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson or Aaron Hernandez (the NFL star who is now a convicted murder) or Hope Solo.  I don't.  I find anyone who beats or kills another human being for any reason other than self defense or my entertainment (pro wrestling, boxing, MMA, etc.) to be scum of the Earth and I have no purpose for them...but that doesn't mean that I won't watch the NFL or soccer (if I was a fan...which I'm not).  

But again why does Hope get a pass?  That is what I want to know.  We've shown outrage for others but not her. 

WelL I've ranted and raved long enough.  Until next time....Abyssinai!! 

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