
New member of the Fat Man Tool List

The Tool List only recently returned and we have another member!  This time Oregon's Marion County Judge Vance Day.  Much like the bigot Kim Davis from Kentucky, who is currently a guest of the state until she agrees to do her job, this Judge refuses to do his job and perform marriages.

Mr. Day, you do not get to pick which laws you enforce!  DO YOUR JOB!  If you don't decide that you can't do your job due to your moral/religious objects I applaud you.  You stand by your morals and do what you feel is right.  However you do not get to keep that job.  If I decide I am going to practice Teetotalism yet I am a bartender, I don't get to keep said job just not serve alcohol.  Enough is enough people!

I could go on but why?  Go read my Kim Davis entry and change the name.  I hope Oregon has a nice jail cell ready for Mr. Day and that he goes there very quickly!

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