
If I were President....

In the past I've joked about running for President of the United States.  This actually goes all the way back to when I was in 7th grade.  Mr. Hylen, the Choir Director, made us fill out cards with info on us and what we wanted to be when we grew up.  I put down President.

Obviously that didn't work out as I didn't go into politics but I still joke about it.  Yesterday I drove around 5 hours so I had a lot of time on my hands.  One thing that went through my head was what would I run on.  I haven't done a true blog entry in a while, only reviews, so here is what I would try to do.

  1. The first thing I would focus on is gun control.  Obviously taking guns away isn't an option so what do you do?  How do you fix this epidemic of gun violence facing this country?  I would do this, treat guns like cars.  You need to have the following to own a gun.  You take a gun safety course.  You take a written test.  You carry insurance just like with a car.  You have a yearly license.  If you want to buy a gun, bullets, the material used to make bullets...really anything gun related you have a license.  This license would not be expensive.  50-100 dollars a year.  Now what would happen to those license fees you ask?  It would go into a fund for LOCAL mental health services.  This way both sides of the debate are happy.  We have some better gun control PLUS mental health gets looked at
  2. The next two are tied together.  Something needs to be done about the student loan debt crisis.  We are the most powerful country in the world and it costs some people a quarter of a million dollars to get educated.  It shouldn't be that way.  All education should be free and student loan debt forgiven.  But how would you do that?  See #3
  3. Legalize Cannabis.  Colorado is bring in over 3 millions dollars a month in taxes.  I would take all that money along with what is already being funneled into the higher education system.  I would investigate how other countries are able to handle their higher education and fix this issue.  We should be able to education our society.  
  4. While "Obamacare" is a nice start we need to go further.  There are still people out there having to decide between rent and medicine.  We need to continue toward Canada with health care. When medicines for cancer and Alzheimer can cost upward of a $1000 dollars a month there is something wrong.  We can do better for our citizens, especially the elder who built this country
  5. I would end tax exempt status for Religious organizations.  When they start making donations to things like Proposition 8 and the like they are no longer tax exempt.  They will be paying taxes just like all other businesses, because that is what they are at this point.  I would funnel that new revenue into education and social services, where ALL of the churches money should be going anyway
  6. Congress would be paid hourly for when they are working.  That means that if they are home campaigning they don't get paid.  If they are fundraising they aren't working and don't get paid. They need to be doing their JOB, trying to make this country better and doing what their voters want.  Same goes for the President.  If you're out golfing you don't get paid.  Find out what the average workers gets for paid time off and that is what Congress and the President gets.  They should be treated as the people they represent.  Also all elected officials would be put on the same medical coverage that the government is offering to its citizens.  Perhaps THEN #4 would get worked on better.
There you go.  That is what I would run on if I were running for President.  I realize that even if I did run and I did get elected that doesn't mean any of this would happen.  It isn't as easy as just saying I'm going to do it and then doing it.  I believe what I've laid out above (minus #5) is what the general public wants.  I would also try to be a President of the people, meet more with the public in town halls and the like.  Find out what THEY want and try to make THAT happen.  I believe that I would be a man of the people for the people....even if I hate most people ;)

Until next time, this is NOT your future President of the United States saying...Abyssinia!

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