
Everything wrong with sports fans...a rant

I am writing this not as a University of Michigan​ fan but as a sports fan.  I recently watched a little rant that Jemele Hill had about the recent MSU/UM game.  Let me say that I've pretty much stopped watching "real" sports because of fans like Jemele.  "Look, you can believe we were lucky," Hill said. "You can call it a miracle. I really don't give a damn."   "Only two things matter: We're undefeated, and you, Michigan, have now lost to us seven of the last eight times...Turn up the volume real high and let these three words resonate: We own you."  The problem is she starts off complaining about Michigan fans mocking a MSU degree and how everyone was talking about the new UM coach.  Then show a video of a Michigan fan crying and have stupid memes in the background.  She is exactly the type of fan that she was complaining about earlier.  She is right that it doesn't matter if they won on the first play or the last play, at the end of the day MSU won and good for them.  I hope they go undefeated and win the National Title.  However next time I'd hope that someone who represents a University would have some dignity and respect, especially on a nationally broadcast TV/Radio show.  If Rich Eisen did this after a UM win I'd say the same thing.  I'd say it if a former New England Patriots​ player said it after their win against the Colts this past week.  "We. Own. You."  Jemele Hill YOU don't OWN anyone.  You're not on the field.  If you want to be honest lets look at the overall series.  Michigan leads, 68–35–5.  Who owns who in reality?  Michigan went 30–8 from 1970 to 2007.  But right now MSU has had won 7 out of the last 8 and good for them!  A few by a lot I believe.  Good for them.  I hate fans like this.  I hate sports fans in general because of attitudes like this.  Fans who constantly complain the other team cheated if their team lost.  The refs won that game for the other team.  Fandom is one thing, stupidity and immaturity is another.  If this was done as a joke, I can see Mike & Mike doing something like this to each other or two personality who have a joking/friendly relationship but this wasn't done that way.  This was a famous alumni being a fanboy/homer and looking (in my opinion) like a fool.  I know people will think it was because she is all Green & White but it really isn't.  The only time I don't cheer for MSU is when they play Michigan AND if their win would hurt Michigan late in the season.  Jemele Hill, there is a phrase in sports, from Vince Lombardi.  "Next time you make a touchdown, act like you've been there before."  Jemele Hill, next time your team gets a major victory over a team that was favored and out played you, act like you've been there before.  Good luck MSU, as for you Jemele Hill, remember, 68–35–5...  What is worst is she could have used this time to talk about how fans shouldn't have been trashing the punter who screwed up.  Talked about how rivalries are out of control with the painting of Magic Johnsons statue (something that I don't condone and she did briefly bring up).  She could have pointed out how great MSU was for not giving up and used this as an inspirational story of them not caring about what the "experts" said.  All the while talking up MSU but instead she used it to tear down others.  This is why sports fans...and honestly humanity makes me sick!  Jemele Hill I'll leave you with this:  You can never build yourself up by tearing others down

As I was looking for the above picture I found this from 2008 which cements my opinions.

“Rooting for the Celtics is like saying Hitler was a victim. It’s like hoping Gorbachev would get to the blinking red button before Reagan.”

“In expressing my passion for the NBA and my hometown of Detroit I showed very poor judgment in the words I used,”

I realize that Jemele Hill won't see this and most people won't read it.  But sports can bring a group of people together...or used to.  Remember after 9-11?  People came together in sports.  Sports can be a great escape but you have people saying stuff like this.  Fans attacking other fans.  Priest pointing guns at children all over sports.  Perhaps we'd be better of ending them all and putting all the money spent on sports stadiums and others into things like libraries and education!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Agree. Root for your teams success not others failures.