

Earlier today Stephen Colbert testified on Capital Hill, talking about immigration. Colbert took up United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez on his take our job challenge. The idea was that American's would work on day as a immigrant worker on a farm. Colbert testified about this experience.

Now over on Fox News they didn't like this. They quoted Rep. Steve King, a republican from Iowa:

"There was no rational reason for him to be there," Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told Fox News, adding that Colbert's joke-filled testimony didn't stick to the written testimony he had submitted Thursday night. Lawmakers expected him to summarize his points in five minutes, but he went longer -- and lacked substance, said King, a member of the panel.

They are right. You can click above on Fox News and you will see that he went 5 minutes and 21 seconds. Now there may have been more that I haven't seen. I watched on both Fox News and on the Washington Post website. The Post's site had a video of about 10 minutes with questions being asked of Colbert.

Let me talk a bit about the testimony. He did it tongue and cheek but at the end he was very honest. What I liked was when he was asked questions he was just Steve Colbert instead of Stephen Colbert.

I agree it was weird to invite him and he really did waste their time because they didn't listen to what he said AFTER the testimony. He said:

"I like talking about people who don't have any power and it seems to me that some of the least powerful people in the United States are migrant workers who come here and do our work but don't have any rights.

"And yet we still invite them to come here and at the same time ask them to leave... Migrant workers suffer and have no rights," he said.

I am a fan of Colbert. I think he is witty and very funny. I just wish people would listen to what he said not WHO said it. I believe he said 16 people did the Take our Job challenge and he was one of them. Did he do it out of the good of his own heart? No he did it as part of his show but he did it and that is more than everyone else did.

What really hurt was that a democrat, even worse one from the Mighty MI Michigan, asked Colbert to leave before he even started. Really? This from a group who had Elmo and Dr. Phil testify.

It just makes me sad how blind and short sighted the people who are running this country are. As Jon Stewart said recently asked...are we being run by assholes?

This is our country, makes you proud sometimes huh?

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