Okay here goes. I am just saying some random crap this time around. Hopefully no major ranting, yelling and swearing...but as you guys know that isn't a guarantee.
So first off is the Colony. They are on episode 8. I figure 2 or 4 more episodes before the end. I have enjoyed this season a little more then last season. It seems more 'real' as it were. At the start of the show they have the disclaimer that they the colonialist get off air help which makes sense as you don't want people actually dying during a TV show. I am sure, much like other 'reality' shows, some things were re-shot. Last week I can see where some people though that on member of the colony saw the newest member, Tick, sneak in and leave a note. It's possible it was a re-shot or it is possible fans are looking for things. I can see both.
Overall I would like to see a third season but with all average people. Not with former snipers (tick), construction workers (reno), mechanics (sally) and other people with skill sets. Take my friends, where none of us are mechanically inclined, well Big E is to a certain extent but you get my drift. I couldn't build a windmill or fix a boat engine. I would be about as helpful as Sian as far as that goes. However, even though I am not a fighter, I would not back down and probably become insane like Jim has.
Also this week they got a cell phone with videos from family to test their emotional stability or some crap. I kinda like that but here is my problem with this. They are dealing with nuclear flu that is killing everyone or all but 10% of the population or something like that. Isn't it kinda ironic that EVERYONE got videos? I would have had 2 or 3 people not get videos and make it assumed that those people didn't survive. That will test their emotional stability!
I'll be honest, even if I didn't get a video I wouldn't want to watch it. Too distracting. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want to be on this show! This week it ended with the Colony being invaded by like 30 people.
On the Daily Show they showed Andy Griffith, that man is AMAZING! That's all I want to say really. I love me some Andy.
I am currently on vacation, as it was the last time I could get time off before the holidays. So far day three and I've done nothing on my list. Well I cleaned...sorta. I really need to do something but I am not feeling well. Headache Monday and just blah yesterday. Today (Wednesday) still sluggish.
Last week Vice President Biden was on The Colbert Report and handed out hot dogs to our returning troops. One of my least favorite groups around PETA got pissed off about this and said that next time he wants to honor our men and women in uniform he should give them veggie dogs. BULLSHIT! Wait...I feel a rant and swearing coming on...fuck you PETA. As a matter of face, I might kill Ace and make a scarf out of tonight just to spite you. Hear that Ace...your dead and it's PETA's fault not mine. Also I think I am going to have Hot Dogs for lunch as well. So PETA...I've got two words for you....HOT DOGS!
For the record I miss Jon Stewart's goatee.
Over the weekend pro wrestler Mike Shaw aka Bastion Booger aka Norman the Lunatic passed away. He passed away from a heart attack which is too bad. I am glad that no media outlet picked up on this as I doubt that it's any kind of steroid abuse for those of you who know what Shaw looked like. It is his picture up top there. I always like Mike for some reason. I've always had a soft spot for the fat men of pro wrestling. John Tenta and Mike Shaw were two of my favorite guys. Shaw as Norm the Lunatic was a great kids character.
Sticking with pro wrestling Linda McMahon has been running for Senate from Connecticut. Last I saw she has made a race of out it and is within 6 points of her opponent. Life would be VERY interesting in the McMahon house hold if she wins.
Chase's online banking went down Monday and came back up recently. I was slightly upset as I didn't know my exact balance and I needed to check to see if my bills were paid. However Chase has said that they will cover any late fees incurred during the outage. That is classy and made me happy to be a Chase customer.
Okay I think that is enough. For the record I didn't kill and skin Ace...he wouldn't sit still. Okay that's not true either. He is fine and annoying as always. Until next time...Abyssinia!
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