
Movie Review: Blair Witch

Last night I watched the latest in the Blair Witch saga....Blair Witch.  It stars James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez and Corbin Reid.  "After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his sister's experiences in the demonic woods of the Blair Witch, James and a group of friends head to the forest in search of his lost sibling."


  • The return to the POV/found footage was what this series needed (with a minor complaint you'll find later on).  The second flick was so bad this needed to go back its roots
  • This movie was pretty scary.  The people I were with screamed a few times and there was one very loud "Jesus" said.  I will admit I jumped once, perhaps twice.  It wasn't on the same scale as Paranormal Activity for jumping but it was better then a lot of horror lately
  • They did a unique POV idea with "ear" cameras which were basically bluetooth headsets but cameras instead which was nice and different

    • The acting of the support cast was poor to down right bad!
      • I seriously could not stand the supporting cast.  James and Callie were very good but the rest of the cast...not so much.  I don't like to single out specific people but Brandon Scott was especially poor.  For someone with a pretty extensive resume he was down right bad.
    • For the first time ever in something that was first person/POV/shaky cam I got a slight headache.  While the idea of the 'ear' cams was different it was worse then the handheld POV

      The Ugly
      • There were several plot holes in the flick
        1. What was up with the thing being in Ashley's injury?  They never really addressed it but they played it up that it was important to the story.  Maybe I missed it when I went out to get my ice cream but it seemed like it would play more into the story.
        2. Ashley in general.  They had her looking very sick after her injury...dare I say almost witch like, only for that to seemingly be forgotten.  
      • There were A LOT of jump scares.  A few are okay but I think it was over half a dozen
      • The pacing was weird in this flick.  It escalated WAY too quickly yet felt like it drug, its hard to explain
      Overall and enjoyable horror flick that I enjoyed more then I expected.  I give it a 6/10.  Nothing ground breaking, but the bad and the ugly out weighed the good just a bit.  Enjoyable and worth seeing in the theater unless you have a large TV.  Until next time...don't go into the woods.  Not because of this movie but because they are a dirty gross place!

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