
Fuck the NRA

My question is this, how many of the guns used in school shootings have been from "law abiding citizens"? Oh right often they are stolen from these so called law abiding citizens. I'm sorry but my right to LIFE and LIBERTY trumps the 2nd amendment right sunshine.  

I'm not worried about my feelings actually I'm worried about the kids insides. I'm worried about my nieces and nephews who have to live in a Country where we have had a mass shooting roughly every two weeks. And don't talk about how gun control won't fix anything because criminals don't obey the law. Then why is murder illegal? Or drugs? Or anything because by your screwed up logic that means people will do it anyway. You want to wrap yourself in the constitution, you know the one that didn't allow women to vote. Made certain people 3/5 of a person. Is that the constitution you want to wrap yourself in sunshine? Hell if the constitution was perfect this woman wouldn't be allowed to even do this video because she was basically property.  

Isn't it time this country joined the rest of the civilized world? Oh right...we have a constitution to protect us. Lets hand out a copy of that to every kid at school and see if that stops the next gun loving nut job that shoots up a school! As for the NRA they are just short of a terrorist group. Per Websters: "unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Hell I would argue that they are unlawfully using intimidation when they buy political allies. But I won't go that far...for now. From my cold dead hands, remember that speech NRA members?  

Well we had a lot of cold dead hands in Vegas and Sandy Hook and Florida and Pulse Nightclub didn't we. But you keep your guns and keep fighting gun control. Because one day you will look in the mirror and realize that you were wrong. Hopefully it will be before someone who you love is killed with a gun or someone I love. So you keep worrying about a piece of paper and a "tool" whose only purpose is to kill.  

I need this for duck hunting
Remember this, your refusal to have an actual debate about this is actually pushing people to go to a further extreme. You'll push people far enough and they won't want gun control but the removal of guns. What happens when there are enough young people in charge that they change the constitution and they are illegal? Will all you "law abiding citizens" turn them over? Oh right you have them to protect yourself from the government, the government that you use to keep your guns, so that the government can't take your guns? Yeah figure that logic out and get back to me!

See even Watson cannot follow that logic!  But hug your guns and your kids tonight and if you are a religious person pray to whatever deity you pray to because it has been about two weeks since the last mass shooting...

So to wrap this up I have one thing to say to all you NRA gun nuts....

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