

A friendly warning, this is a case of me getting a little political and voicing my opinion.  It isn't right and it isn't wrong, it is what I believe.  If you want to ask why I feel that way fine but the one thing I refuse to tolerate is that my opinion is wrong, just like I don't believe your opinion is wrong if you disagree with me.  Opinions and debate, true debate not what we call it now, is what we need to make this country better but I want you to read what I say and then decide just how stupid I am!

A friend recently posted the above video and said that it was an oversimplification but that doesn't begin to describe this! 

If this country and its people would stop trying to blame people and perhaps find the cause, the real cause not this bullshit "the rich did it" or "the poor did it", we would be better off.  instead you have asshats like Occupy *whatever we dont' like and actually hurt things like small business and the workers at what we are shutting down" and the Tea Party.  People need to stop living in their little pretend world and start living in reality. 

Things are NOT fair.  There always has and always will be rich and poor people.  Poor people will always want to be rich and rich people will always want to be richer.  I didn't see Ed Asner giving more money to the government even though he was rich.  Michael Moore doesn't pay the old amount of taxes like he wants everyone to does he? 

Instead they point to how horrible Wal-Mart is even though at one point THEY were the poor people and they lived what used to be the American Dream of becoming wealthy. 

The American Dream is dead because American hate people who live that dream.  It isn't Democrats or Republicans or Green Party members or Tea Party members it is us, the American People who killed it.  We all need to look in the mirror and say what actually made this country great?  Was it money?  NO!  Was it paying taxes?  NO!  It was working hard and helping each other when we needed but admitting when we screwed up. 

Instead we teach our kids that if we don't like things we protest.  Don't worry about working hard, just suck up to the boss and you'll get ahead.  Don't worry about talent its playing "the game" that will get you ahead.  May be if those asshats protesting Wall Street or Wisconsin or Obama's Healthcare Plan or whatever you want to say would just remember what made this country great we would be better off.  

There is middle ground in this that everyone forgets.  We don’t have to give everyone everything, just things they need to get back on their feet.  After the depression that is what we did and this country became great once again.  Now we just keep giving and giving and giving and giving and to be honest who isn’t going to just say “why work when they’ll keep giving me money?” in this day and age?  We’ve taught our kids to do that!  No one strives to be the best anymore in this country and it shows. 

Enough trying getting football announcers fired for speaking their mind and focus that energy and making this country great again!  Work hard people!  Take pride in the fact that we were once the greatest country in the world!  We can be again but we need to stop fighting with each other and help one another.  If we want to return to what we once were that is what it will take. 

However I don’t see that happening.  People look at things as black and white, good and evil, ying and yang, Coke or Pepsi instead of the varying shades of grey there actually is.

But what do I know? I don’t make videos pointing fingers at people or protest because I don’t like things.  I go to work and I work hard, perhaps if more people did that we would still have an American Dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some good points you got there, Gene. My opinion of the matter is that the deck is stacked, and we just need to make the game fair again. Poor folk *usually* want to work hard and be successful, but those in power and in wealth have kept the best hands to themselves in a game that really isn't fair to the little guy, whether he's a worker, a small business owner, a student, or a novice politician. We can use the adage "life isn't fair" to justify things we know are morally suspect, or perhaps we can recognize that we know better...?

: )