
Book Review of Day by Day Armageddon Shattered Hourglass

This is the third book in the Day by Day Armageddon series.  The book series went from a journal type book written like a blog to a well written (in my opinion) book series.

This is probably my least favorite in the series because it went in a direction I didn't care for.  That isn't to say it is a bad book.  I read it in about three true sittings.  I really enjoyed it just not where I wanted to see the series go.

The book is broke up into several groups.  You've got most of the original characters on an Aircraft Carrier.  You've got the main character on a sub going to China.  You've got three new groups as well. Remote Six is more than just a mysterious group sending text to Kil, our main character.  You've got a group at the North Pole getting Ice Core Samples and you've got a group of soldiers that have taken over Hotel 23 from the first few books.

The one thing I will say about J.L is that I don't feel an emotional connection to his characters like in other books.  His books come off almost like incident reports, perhaps due to his military background.  In what should have been an emotional moment of the book I wasn't invested enough in the character to care.

I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing either.  One of the things I hate most is when a character dies that I am emotionally invested in.  When Sturm died in the Dragonlance series I had a few tears and probably would now.  Stephen King does it all the god damn time as well.

The story in this book is that Kil and the sub he is on are going to go into China to find what they believe is Patient Zero for this entire thing.  The sub plots include Remote Six trying to get into Hotel 23 while the soldiers try to get it back up and running as it is the last nuclear missile in the US.

The major complaint I have is about the pacing.  There are a few things that just suddenly happen and it felt like missing an episode of a TV show that builds on itself.  Like missing 0500-0600 of 24.  The storyline on the Aircraft Carrier is what I am talking about without spoiling anything.

Overall another good book that I enjoyed.  Not the direction I would have taken the story, although an interesting one that I've thought about for my own zombie book. I'd give it a 3.75 out of 5 because it felt rushed.  I will be returning to reading "Mutated" after this.  Until next time....Abyssinia!

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