
Review of Real Steel (2011)

Due to insomnia I decided to watch the movie Real Steel from 2011.

I didn't see this in the theaters because it did not look good at all.  It looked extremely goofy from the previews.  Let me say I was extremely wrong.  I found this flick to be pretty damn good.  It was a little hokey with the whole father/son thing but I enjoyed it.

It wasn't a great movie by any means at all.  I hated the little kid throughout the flick, especially in the early part of the film.  He talked too tough for what seemed to be a spoiled rich type kid.  I felt like the father, played by Hugh Jackman, would have just backhanded the kid.  A little five across the eyes to quote Al Bundy.

I also didn't care for the addition of the love story between the father and a gym owner.  Seemed sort of forced into it.

Last thing I didn't care for was the hint that the robot the father/son are fighting with is self aware but they never come out and say it.

What I did like was the robot fights.  They did what Transformers tried to do but did it right.  The fights looked good on this crappy old school TV so on the big screen they must have looked really good.

Hugh Jackman did an amazing job but of course went through a way too quick jerk to loving daddy transformation.  I really liked the jerk father role at the beginning of the film.

Overall I enjoyed it.  If you can get your hands on it and want a fun movie I'd say do it!

1 comment:

The Williams family said...

Where did you get it? Netflix?