

I'm on a blogging streak. Actually as some of you know when I can't sleep, which I've got 2 hours in the last 30 hours, I do weird things. Anyway here we go....

Recently on Facebook a good friend posted a comment about Lady Gaga and Madonna. It spawned a lot of comments and I actually typed out a lengthy response before realizing I could do it better justice here.

The comment was "Everything that Lady Gaga has done - Madonnna already did...BETTER."

Its probably true. I don't know as I wasn't a Madonna fan aside from a song here and there...and I enjoyed Evita. By the way Mikey, still think Antonio would have been a worse Phantom than Gerard Butler was? God he was AWFUL! Anyway wanted to throw that jab in there.

Anyway back to the point of this. From there we have about 25 comments to Mike's comment. It is brought up about Gaga's possible sex change operation and then we get Mike's final word on the topic.

"My profile - I get final say. I say this: I don't care who she is as a person, I don't care how inspired her work is, I don't care that she may have spent the first half of her life as a dude - I'm just not as impressed as everyone else seems to be with her body of (or) work. Much like the reruns we're getting from Hollywood and most of sitcom television --- Ive seen it before and I just want to be AMAZED by something. Where's this generations Elvis, Michael Jackson, Dolly Parton, Jackson Pollock, or Laurence Olivier? I don't want to settle for the 'new Madonna' or the 'next Frank Sinatra (I'm looking at you Michael Buble!).

INSPIRE ME!! I need something so artistic and inventive, so unique and intelligent that the moment I hear it or see it I can only stand and applaud its arrival on this tiny blue speck of dirt and water we call home.

But maybe that's just me :)"

I agree for the most part here. However I don't want to be inspired. I don't want to stand and applaud (I'm lazy). You know what I want? I want to be entertained. Is that too much to ask from the entertainment industry?

Back when I was in high school every...and I mean EVERY Friday atleast Paul and I went into Lansing to see a movie. Every Friday without fail if it wasn't football season and we had a home game. There was a movie we wanted to see enough to go every Friday. I haven't been to a movie since I moved to Twin Falls. Not one. There hasn't been a movie I would even steal from the internet since I moved here. That's right, there hasn't been a movie I wanted to see enough to even steal. What does that say about the state of film?

Do you know the last CD I bought? Me neither! I know I bought Patton Oswald's comedy CD last year does that count? Before that Cristina Branco probably...wait I bought a Best of Queen and some foreign chick that was playing at BN. Honestly I don't remember the last quote unquote known artist would be Weird Al's Straight out of Lynwood. Maybe Billy Joel's single was after that but you get the idea.

The last DVD I bought was...was...I don't remember. Paranormal Activity (by the way the sequel comes out later this year and I think my girlfriend Katie is back...atleast I offered her and the demon a place to stay before and will again...the three of us and Ace can be very happy together I think still) or The Hangover. Wait I bought Star Trek on the cheap at Walmart. I don't even buy movies anymore just TV shows. Psych and Always Sunny will be out soon and I'll pick those up.

My point is I want to be entertained. Just like my comments about pro wrestling last night I want to be entertained. Like I said earlier I don't want to be inspired. I want to forget my shitty life for a brief period of time. That is what good entertainment does. When Chuck or Psych or Deadliest Catch are on I forget about life for that 45 minutes. I don't have to think about how stressful work is. That the boss will be here in two weeks and I've got way too much shit to do and I lost it yesterday at work. Or that both the power and gas company called threatening to shut things off. Or that my blood pressure is through the roof and my heart my explode tomorrow. Or that this country seems to have gone insane. That time, those 45 minutes, everything is right in the world (well besides on Deadliest Catch...I already miss you Captain Phil). All that matters is that Shawn is making some weird 80's reference. All I care about is that Col. Casey is threatening to kill Grimes again in some strange way.

Back in the day when I was dealing with my mental problems do you know what kept me going sometimes? That I wanted to know who the nWo were going to beat up next. I wanted to know if Vinnie Mac was going to get to Stone Cold this week. What weird thing was Jerry and George going to talk about this week.

Maybe its because I'm older. Maybe its because I am completely broken by the real world. Maybe its because its true I don't know. All I know is I just want to be entertained and forget about the real world every once in a while and I have to go to the past to do that and there is something wrong with that.

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