
Unwritten Rules

I am not a fan of rules...I mean no one is right?  We all hate having to follow rules.  I want to show up to work when I want and dressed how I want (I hate pants and shoes).  But it gets even worse when people bring up "unwritten" rules.  You can do some searching on your own and find lots of so called unwritten rules (although most I found are not rules as much as not being a dick...chew with your mouth closed is an unwritten rule).

However certain things seemingly have a shit ton on unwritten rules and Major League Baseball is one of them!  Good grief I swear anytime I turn on Mike and Mike during baseball season (which is 9 months of the year for the love of all things good and evil) they are talking about someone breaking some unwritten rule.

Today I open up Facebook and I see that Seattle broke one of these rules and beat Detroit.  I think it showed up on my feed because I get a lot of Tiger stuff posted by friends back in the Mighty MI.

Detroit had a perfect game going until this happened and that is just not done.  Click here for the news story.   This line from the story really bothered me.  "Ordinarily the unwritten rules say it’s bad form to break up a no-hitter or perfect game with a bunt hit, because that’s not considered as pure as recording a hit by swinging the bat."


Let me rephrase that, the other team should NOT do whatever it takes to win because the other team is having a good game.  So again I say...WHAT THE FUCK?!

This isn't flipping little league this is their job!  They play the win the game to paraphrase one famous football couch.  It bunting will get a rally going (which it did in this case) then do it.  If you aren't breaking a rule then do it I say.  Hell if you can break a rule and not get caught then do it because the other team is going to.  Do unto other as they'd do unto you....but do it first!

I am getting off topic here (I know a surprise) but unwritten rules are bullshit.  Here are some others:

Don't run up the score

Yeah you can't play the game.  If you are winning by too much (which is what exactly?) don't play too hard because....I don't know why.  Don't want to hurt the feelings of the other team?  I mean there is no chance that the other team can come back win the game just because you're winning right?


What is the old saying, something about they put one of ours in the hospital we put one of theirs in the morgue?  Something like that right?  Anyway that is baseball for you.  If they hit one of our guys we are going to hit one of theirs.  This year a fight started because a pitcher did it from two years ago! TWO YEARS AGO!  And it was because he broke the next unwritten rule...


I won't put another WTF gif up but seriously what does that mean?  The right way?  Oh you mean the way it has always been done?  

For the record I'm not a guy who likes a lot of change in his stuff.  I'm pretty old school but when people get mad because they "watched their home run too long" or "he flipped his bat" I get angry.  I remember at work one time people got mad at me because I'd throw cups I marked wrong.  I wasn't angry it was funny and kept me sane but "it wasn't the right thing" bullshit.  So he flipped his bat, here is an idea, do better next time pitcher man!  Don't let the kid hit a home run off you!  

So while I'm as traditional as the next guy I have one thing to say to you people who think this is right...WHAT THE FUCK?

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