
It has been a while...

It has been a while since I posted hasn't it? I've been busy what can I say. I have been at my new job just over a month now and I'm still enjoying it quite a bit. It is a nice mix of customer service and sorta using that knowledge I went to school for all those years (and have yet to finish). Had some long days including last Friday but its all part of paying my dues, showing that I'm a team player and most importantly (to me atleast) getting some overtime in and getting some of these past due bills out of the way.

In other Gene news, I did my taxes already and have been waiting since Jan. 26th for Idaho to send me my return. Is there anything that Idaho does that doesn't piss me off?

I didn't watch the Superbowl this year as I didn't give a rats ass about either time. If the Patriots aren't in it I don't care. Also I slept from about 4 on to try and store some sleep up for another busy week. It didn't work as then my body didn't want to sleep last night. Oh insomnia how I thee.

Today was the first bad day weather wise I've had to deal with since returning to SLC. It was blowing like a bitch out there and that isn't a good way to start a morning. Still better then being back in the Great Lakes and all the snow and cold they are getting but still.

Sunday I was playing with Ace and he broke my glasses. Broke one of the arms off. I don't know how old these glasses are but I believe it was 2001 that I got them so they went well past their expected life span and still going. I am wearing these bad boys till they fall apart.

I am currently reading Mick Foley's latest book "Countdown to Lockdown" and I think I'll be done in a week or so, so expect a new book review then. I also have a short story by Jonathan Maberry (my good personal friend....since he responding to this very blog...what Mean Gene Okerland always used that phrase so I can steal it if I want to) starring Joe Ledger which I am quite excited about. Maberry has three or four books coming out this year all of which I can't wait for. If you haven't read his stuff you should, some of the best writing I've read for quite some time.

Well there you go, a brief glimpse into what I've been doing since my last entry. Maybe later I'll go look at some news sites, get all worked up, and write an entry people might be interested in.

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