
Review of the movie "Doghouse"

Doghouse is a flick I found while just messing around in Netflix's instant watch. This is the description on netflix:

"Six guys hell-bent on having a raucous weekend away from wives and lovers arrive in the town of Moodley. But something's odd about this quaint hamlet. Where are the men? And why do all the women look like they're thirsting for blood? The poor blokes soon discover that half the population has been wiped out by the same virus-infected, man-hating cannibals terrorizing them. Stephen Graham, Danny Dyer, Noel Clarke and Lee Ingleby star."

How could I NOT check this flick out? I didn't notice but Mickey from Doctor Who starred in it as well (Noel Clarke).

This was done in a similar tone as Shaun of the Dead where the main characters are morons while things go to hell around them. The deaths are over the top most of the time which is fun. The gore is over the top which is cool and everyone does a great job in their roles.

As the description above says, a group of pals decide to take their recently divorced friend away for a weekend of drinking. They got to Mikey's (Noel Clarke's) grandma's house in a small wooded town. She is out on a cruise. When they get there the town is dead...almost literally. About 25-30 minutes in you run into your first crazy woman and then it goes from there. The group of guys are dumb and running around. The humor is done with their reactions much like in Shaun of the Dead.

Overall I really enjoy this flick. It is British and I don't think it made it over here to the states but I could be wrong. Noel plays Mickey basically which made it slightly better in my opinion.

Again Overall I enjoyed it and I left it in my queue as I might even watch it a second time. There you go, another night at the movies with the Fat Man.

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