
NOOK Color

Everyone who reads this blog, well most people at least, know that I work for a small bookstore chain called Barnes and Noble. Last week NOOK Color came out and I picked mine up and let me say I love the thing! I really do. As someone who has a lot of PDF's for my D&Ding and who also enjoys reading it is great. It has a pretty good web brower as well. This is in now way me telling everyone to go buy one because if you were going to you probably already knew about but I just wanted you, my faithful readers, to know that I really do enjoy mine. If you are thinking about an ereader go to your local BN and check it out.

I also like that there are over 1.5 million free items as well. Now here is the weird thing. I turned it on this morning and went to the shop area and it had a couple of erotica books. At first I was like...wow it really does know me and my love for porn...then I realized it SHOULDN'T know that...and neither should you people forget I said it. However I started looking at the free stuff and I realized that there is a BUNCH of free erotica on this things. I mean a bunch! I found it very strange.

Okay there is a quick statement on my love of NOOK Color. If you haven't checked out my podcast you should if for no other reason than to boost my fragile ego. Also later today or tomorrow I am going to turn on /rantmode and go off on people and things like the TSA (which side will I be on? Stay tuned), rude customers, talking about how awesome the Miz is and more. Until later....Abyssina!


Rick said...

Is Abyssina just Abyss in drag?

Geno said...

Actually Abyssinia is from M*A*S*H and its greatest character Col. Blake. Been the way I've been signing my blogs for years dating back to my old dead blog.

Also think you for making me picture Abyss in drag. I had an extra drink tonight to get that picture out of my head!

Also you just gave Hogan, Bischoff and Russo their next big angle. Abyss in drag as Abyssina, Abyss's sister. She will come in and help them fight 'Them'. I hope you're happy with yourself now motherfucker and The Bunk would say.