
The Asylums "Road Wars" review

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whenever it is you're reading this blog.  I am back for another of the Fat Man's movie reviews.  This time it is "Road Wars" from The Asylum!

First I'll give you my thoughts as I watched then a full review:

  • Why in post apocalyptic worlds do the chicks always have weird hair and eye paint?  Oh and goggles....so many goggles.  And leather!  What do they do raid a fetish shop?
  • One thing I'll never understand is how easily people get "infected" in these movies.  They've survived an outbreak for who knows how long and then do something really stupid.  
  • YES!  More goggles
  • Awesome.  They just pulled out Nunchucks!  OH HELL YEAH!  Nothing beats up some "infected" like nunchucks
  • I hate shaving when there isn't an apocalypse happening, but if the world goes to shit I ain't going to take the time to shave.  Just saying
  • Wait...this guy is wearing Finlay shoulder pads BEFORE the end of the World?

  • Its the end of the world, you can pick any car you want, why not an armor car?  I'd probably not pick a dune buggy
  • I can't write dialog, trust me I've tried, but then again neither can the writers on this flick!
  • A big bunch?  5?  
  • No water but plenty of gas for a flame thrower.  What about Mountain Dew?  Is there still Dew?
  • Is this little kid related to Carl?  Put a leash on your kids after the world goes to hell!  (and before...not a fan of younglings)
  • If this group is my only chance at survival I'd end it right now!
  • YES!  Motorcycle helmet, goggles, eye paint AND deer antlers on the helmetalong with a baseball bat with a saw blade in it.  Looks like someone plays video games
  • Also finally someone with a beard
  • Awesome shitty surfer type music
  • Where would you get a supply of pink hair dye after the world ends?
  • That guy has tusks!  When the world ends I'm getting tusks put in
  • Okay the above statement about the Finlay jacket was false, I should have waited for the rest of this shitty movie
  • I know that when I'm in the desert the first thing I am going to want to wear mid-day is a fur coat!
  • This flick is completely random, but I think the writers read "I am Legend"

Okay that was...that was bad.  I don't have anything good to say about it sadly.  I usually try to find something good to say.  The acting is bad.  The story is...I guess the story is okay and kind of interesting but not fleshed out.  Lots of random people showing up and reveals like we should know who these people are.  I mean they did get the movie made and people are watching it so that is better than I can say I've ever done, so there is that.  

Spoilers below:

The idea that the virus makes them Hydrophoic was interesting.  However it is hard to tell what else it does.  Are they undead?  Zombies?  Vampires?  Just infected like 28 Day Later?  Again not quite fleshed out enough.  Over on IMDB I gave it a 3 out of 10.  Not enough to make me go higher but just enough for me not to completely bury the flick like others I've watched.  

There you go, another movie review.  I'll randomly do more as I find movies to watch, good or bad!  As always (and I forgot to say this last time!) Abyssinia!

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