If you have not watched the Flash season Finale there is a slight plot spoiler (basically I mention the plot but with no spoilers as to what happens) below so you've been warned....
Okay you were warned. I won't spoil anything but the plot of the episode is that Doctor Wells give Barry a chance to save his mom and send Wells back to his time. Throughout the episode Barry had to decide what to do.
If anyone knows my history should know these storylines hit a little close to home. My dad was in a car accident when I was six and passed away a few days later. The question of going back in time and changing it is something I have thought about so many times late at night when I couldn't sleep.
Of course that brings up the big time travel paradox doesn't it. One life doesn't just change my life and that of my families. Everything would change in that instance. If Frank Bennett doesn't get in that accident on Lansing Road EVERYTHING is different. Everything that I am would be different, or could be.
This is the what Barry faces in the episode. There is also the episode of Doctor Who (and sorry it is from 2005, it isn't a spoiler if it 10 fucking years old) where Rose saves her dad from being killed. A different outcome (I don't think weird mantis dragons would come) but same idea. Everything changes. One life changes EVERYTHING.
So the question is what would you do? Would you save that loved one knowing that it chances everything or do you keep "the time line"? I'll be honest, I don't know what I'd do. I've been through so much that some people point to that moment in time. That one moment in time. Had his car gone another 100 yards he wouldn't have gone under the semi. One moment in time helped forged who I am. Helped forged who all of you are. Could you change one of the most important moments in time in your life?
I'm not even talking about going back and killing Hitler or Bin Laden or something like that. Think about Back to the Future. One kissed changed everything. One moment in time.
I've thought about this alot, both the idea of going back and the idea of that one moment in time. One missed phone call could be the difference between having that love of your life and never seeing her again. One less drink could mean you're on the wrong plane on a certain September day in 2001 (supposedly Seth McFarlane missed his plane that day because of a hang over). One moment in time. To go back to Doctor Who one left turn instead of a right turn. Not taking a day off after 30 days and 164 hours in two weeks and maybe you don't get fired. One moment. One split second decision.
So again I ask would you do it? How do you know what could have been is better than what is? What would I do? I don't know. I really don't. I've thought about this for 30 years. 30 motherfucking years and I don't have an answer.
If the stories we read are anything to go off of nothing good comes from changing the time line. Didn't work out well for Marty for sure. Rose nearly destroyed the Earth and maybe all of time and space (I don't remember how bad it was going to be). Lets not forget the wonderful unknown movie Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel. Nothing good at all!
But it is an interesting question isn't it? Again I don't know. To have to watch, like Rose did in Doctor Who, because I was there and wasn't sure, is probably worse than anything. If I was there, in the moment, I know what I'd do. I'd do anything to stop it. But would I go back is the better question I guess. That I don't know.
I can't say what Barry Allen does, because I don't want to ruin it. But I am willing to bet you can figure it out because he is the superhero and they almost always make the right decisions. I am just a man and lets be honest, like most normal mortal humans, I'd probably make the wrong decision...for the right reasons.
I promise I'll try to post a more uplifting blog in the future. Something funny....with fart jokes....but I guess this pulls the curtain back a bit as to what goes through my mind late at night. It isn't all fart jokes and thoughts of pretty girls...just mostly
I used to always end my blogs with a quote and I like this quote. It doesn't quite fit the post but it talks about looking for a better self, which I think is what I'd hope for if I did go back and change any of the "important" moments in time. A better Gene (which is almost impossible!). This is from the end of Mad Max: Fury Road
“Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves.”
— The First History of Man
As always, in the immortal words of Col Henry Blake....Abyssina!
Ying and Yang....Kingpin and Dare Devil
I have started to watch the Dare Devil series from Netflixs recently. Gotta keep up with the ever growing Marvel Universe after all.
A few things that has surprised me thus far:
A few things that has surprised me thus far:
- Dare Devil apparently has radar. He can tell what is in a building just but "listening" but I didn't know that half a box of nails had a sound
- Sadly Dare Devil doesn't always wear the cool horned red leather outfit. But now that I think about it it does look a little Batman light
- I don't know much about Dare Devil but I'm shocked on how violent he is. It is quite different then the rest of the Marvel Universe. Dark and Gritty...again very Batman like.
- This seems like a very different version of Kingpin. The problem is that Vincent D'Onofrio plays him pretty much like his character on Criminal Intent
- I like that Dare Devil and Kingpin seem to be the same just going about it different ways.
- My one major complaint is that it is dark. Like visually dark. A few times I've had problems figuring out what was going on.
- The "dirty cops" are a little cliche for me. Obvious as to what is going on with them. The writing of the characters is piss poor too
- While D'Onofrio does a great job as Kingpin I think Michael Chiklis could have done it well as well, although his height would be a problem. I am kind of sad that Michael Clarke Duncan isn't around. He had everything for the part including the voice.
I am glad it was a Netflix show as I don't think there is enough to make me watch on a weekly basis. A bulk viewing though works well for it I think.
The Asylums "Road Wars" review
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whenever it is you're reading this blog. I am back for another of the Fat Man's movie reviews. This time it is "Road Wars" from The Asylum!
First I'll give you my thoughts as I watched then a full review:
First I'll give you my thoughts as I watched then a full review:
- Why in post apocalyptic worlds do the chicks always have weird hair and eye paint? Oh and goggles....so many goggles. And leather! What do they do raid a fetish shop?
- One thing I'll never understand is how easily people get "infected" in these movies. They've survived an outbreak for who knows how long and then do something really stupid.
- YES! More goggles
- Awesome. They just pulled out Nunchucks! OH HELL YEAH! Nothing beats up some "infected" like nunchucks
- I hate shaving when there isn't an apocalypse happening, but if the world goes to shit I ain't going to take the time to shave. Just saying
- Wait...this guy is wearing Finlay shoulder pads BEFORE the end of the World?
- Its the end of the world, you can pick any car you want, why not an armor car? I'd probably not pick a dune buggy
- I can't write dialog, trust me I've tried, but then again neither can the writers on this flick!
- A big bunch? 5?
- No water but plenty of gas for a flame thrower. What about Mountain Dew? Is there still Dew?
- Is this little kid related to Carl? Put a leash on your kids after the world goes to hell! (and before...not a fan of younglings)
- If this group is my only chance at survival I'd end it right now!
- YES! Motorcycle helmet, goggles, eye paint AND deer antlers on the helmetalong with a baseball bat with a saw blade in it. Looks like someone plays video games
- Also finally someone with a beard
- Awesome shitty surfer type music
- Where would you get a supply of pink hair dye after the world ends?
- That guy has tusks! When the world ends I'm getting tusks put in
- Okay the above statement about the Finlay jacket was false, I should have waited for the rest of this shitty movie
- I know that when I'm in the desert the first thing I am going to want to wear mid-day is a fur coat!
- This flick is completely random, but I think the writers read "I am Legend"
Okay that was...that was bad. I don't have anything good to say about it sadly. I usually try to find something good to say. The acting is bad. The story is...I guess the story is okay and kind of interesting but not fleshed out. Lots of random people showing up and reveals like we should know who these people are. I mean they did get the movie made and people are watching it so that is better than I can say I've ever done, so there is that.
Spoilers below:
The idea that the virus makes them Hydrophoic was interesting. However it is hard to tell what else it does. Are they undead? Zombies? Vampires? Just infected like 28 Day Later? Again not quite fleshed out enough. Over on IMDB I gave it a 3 out of 10. Not enough to make me go higher but just enough for me not to completely bury the flick like others I've watched.
There you go, another movie review. I'll randomly do more as I find movies to watch, good or bad! As always (and I forgot to say this last time!) Abyssinia!
I want to be a Monster Hunter!
If you've read my blog in the past you know that my dream job is to be a ghost hunter. I am not joking so stop laughing! Since I saw The Conjuring a few years ago I've wanted to be do it. Watching the show "Ghost Asylum" makes me want to do it more. I really should just do it but I have no idea how to start. Or is it I just want to be a TV star. Perhaps both.
I do think I'd be quite entertaining on these ghost hunting shows. Especially if something happens, I'd be like Jonah Hill in "Accepted".
I do think I'd be quite entertaining on these ghost hunting shows. Especially if something happens, I'd be like Jonah Hill in "Accepted".
No seriously I'd be like that. I want to believe in ghosts I just don't quite because I haven't seen one or had an encounter. I have friends who say they have but I'll only truly believe it if I can see it/experience it myself.
I also want to see the freaky shit though. I don't just to want to take pictures and see orbs and have the temperature drop and be start yelling about a ghost. I want to hear noises. I want to see faces. I want stuff moved.
Wait...I think I want to experience a demon! I love the Paranormal Activity movies and I have often joked that Katie and her demon and I could have a wonderful life together. Mostly because I found the actress who played her to be extremely attractive and having a demon throw my keys around and stuff would be a great trick for parties! Seriously I think we could make it work the three of us, call me Katie!
Okay enough of that (seriously Katie call me) but I do want to be a ghostbuster. Growing up I realized I couldn't be a Transformer or a Care Bear, what....I loved the Care Bears growing up....don't judge me judgey...but maybe I could be a ghostbuster! I don't have the goofy hair of Egon or the horrible skin of Peter so that leaves Ray. I am husky and funny. What did you expect me to say I'd fill the Winston role? However I do think being a ghostbuster would be cool. Yes I realize there aren't really proton packs (yet) or cool PKE meters (but you could build one out of the K2 meter) but to hunt ghosts and make them leave people would be awesome. Also I think I'd look hot in one of those jump suits...although brown wouldn't be ideal for my body type. I think I'd go with red or purple. Yes purple, a regal color for a regal man!
Back to Ghost Asylum, this is an interesting show because they want to help the ghost leave a specific place by building these goofy....I mean cool "traps". Thus far they haven't caught one that I've remembered. However they have had a few cool experiences if you believe they aren't staged.
If I can't be a ghostbuster I want to be a monster hunter in general. Bigfoot, hell hounds, lizard people, I want to hunt them all! Actually I guess a monster hunter would be better because I could go after all that AND ghosts. Yes...a monster hunter.
Gene the Monster Hunter. All I need are some goofy eccentric companions, a few wack-jobs...I mean eye witnesses and cameraman or two to follow me around. I think this could work out well.
I think my first prey will be this monster I found here:
Cass County Black-Furrred Beast posted 9-09
It was the fall of 2001, late fall. All the leaves were gone. My stepdaughter and I were looking out the french doors to see a creature....black in color, like a big bear with haunches and the head of a wolf. It was walking up the hill behind my house. It was on all fours and walked like a panther...stalking. I had never seen anything like it in my life. The only word that describes it is werewolf. Now at night periodically....I can hear something in the 20 acre plus swamp in the middle of the night. Very loud and splashing around. It has the scream of an infant...Loud and hysterical. I live in a very rural and secluded area in Southwest Michigan...Cass County.
For those of you who don't know I lived right outside of Cass County for years! If I can find out where this is I'm going hunting! Sadly I can't find anything more about this on a quick search. I don't know of any swampy area but it is a lot of "farm" land out there.
Okay enough of my ramblings, I think I'll turn on some Ancient Aliens and day dream of some alien encounters as well. I just want something exciting to happen to me....and to become a TV star!
Black Widow is such a slut!
A friend recently asked why I don’t do a blog. I responded that I used to but had stopped but didn’t expand on it. The reason I stopped was because I was afraid I was offending people with what I was saying. I am harsh rude and crude at times and I was afraid I’d hurt someones feelings. It was a moment of weakness I won’t have again. I lost my way and tried to be less “Gene” like and more “PC”. I am not PC, as I said a few years ago, I am a dinosaur who refuses to evolve. I will die a dinosaur.
The reason I am writing this blog is because I like to do it. I like to write and get my ideas and opinions out there. I liked the sound of my own voice...so to speak...and I might even start podcasting again.
Okay today I am going to talk about the Avengers, sort of but not really. The Avengers is what prompted this story….well not really. This great article but a friend of mine did.
I have come to realize that I look at the world differently than most people. Perhaps I don’t have the rose colored glasses others do or perhaps the problem is that I do! I don’t try to put a statement on everything that is done. The perfect example is Black Widows “treatment” in Age of Ultron. This article is well written but I think is missing the point of a lot of what is done in the flick.
Also I don’t believe that Natasha was actually tending bar in the one scene but making a drink for her and Banner as I don’t remember seeing her making drinks in the other scenes during the party but what do I know, I was there to see an enjoyable movie about not real things not pick it apart to further my own agenda!
Sorry about that, that “real” Gene come out for a second. If you haven’t watched Age of Ultron yet do not read on as I will be talking about things in flick. The big idea in this flick is that all of the Avengers are attacked on a personal level by the Scarlet Witch (played by the lovely and extremely talented Elizabeth Olsen). Each member of the team see something that shakes them to their core, be it a possible future or the past or what they fear most or...well you get the idea. Widow is reminded of her past.
Before this is happens we also see a budding romance between Natasha and Banner. Natasha has the ability to bring Banner back when he has “Hulked Up (Brother)”. We also know that it was Natasha who has spent the most time with Banner (on screen character wise).
Okay before I get to what happens next with Natasha lets look at her character so far. She is a deadly assassin who answers the phone while being tortured, faced the Hulk with little fear, is willing to use her feminine charms when needed, has a bad past, has had her moments with Captain America, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and seemingly has/had a relationship with Hawkeye. I am not sure what could be done more to make her a stronger character. Oh lets not forget she tricked the trickster god into telling her his plan. Pretty weak characteristics to me!
Back to our new story. We find out that during Natashas training she was forced to become sterile and, here is what a lot of people hate, she uses the line “You’re not the only monster on the team.” Yep, that makes Joss Whedon a sexist.
Or you’re missing the point and forcing that line to fit your own narrative! Of course I could be doing the same thing here, only one person knows and that is Joss. I took it to mean many things. She is a monster for what she allowed to be done to herself. She is a monster for what she has done to others. She is monster because she does what has to be done including allowing herself to be mutilated. I never thought it meant she was a monster because she can’t have kids in the way some took it. She is a monster so she can’t have kids, do you see the difference. They explain that they sterilize the women so they won’t have the distraction of children. This scene takes place after we’ve seen how much Hawkeye’s (Yes he has a family) kids love her and how good she is with them.
Throughout the entire film the idea of our heroes being monsters (perhaps to stop the monsters) is brought up. Banner especially is aware of this and that is what Natasha, in my opinion, falls in love with. The fact that Banner feels about himself (the monster) that she feels about herself (the monster). It is about two people who can’t find love because of what they think they are finding love because of what they are, human.
At no point did I feel Natasha was playing the damsel in distress for the sake of it. In the first Avengers film it was Hawkeye who had to be saved by Widow. This time it was Widow being saved by Banner. To further the love story and because it made sense! Just like it did for her to save Hawkeye last time. Or to save Cap in Winters Soldier or the various other times she has saved people.
I look at this “controversy” as manufactured by people looking for something to bitch about. It is like people getting mad at Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner joking about Widow being the “slut” of the Avengers. They are laughing as they say it for one and two it is kind of true. She is the one character that has been in all of their lives because she is the one S.H.I.E.L.D agent so Fury sends her. She uses her skills, whichever are needed to get the job done. Sorta seducing Stark, playing on Caps values and whatever else is needed. Again that doesn’t make her a bad character it makes her a well written smart character.
I wish this was about the movie. About how the writing felt forced at times and that the characters were almost caricatures of themselves. The fact that this felt more like a holding midseason episode of your favorite TV show instead of the end of Phase 2 and moving into Phase 3. No instead it is talking about how much of a sexiest pig Whedon is. I mean did you see that show of his Buffy, what a pig!
Could Black Widow have been written better? Of course she could have! You also need to realize you had ten “main characters” and that doesn’t include Fury, Hill, War-Machine or Falcon. This movie did more to make Widow seem human and maybe that is what people are upset about. They didn’t want her to be a character, just a kick ass chick in leather.
I will be honest, as much screen time as she has had throughout the Marvel movies I never wanted a Black Widow flick. Why? I knew little about her, she was just what I said before, a kick ass chick in leather. We’ve got other movies for that. However now I kind of do. Delve a little more into her past. A little more with Hawkeye and her “debt” she owes him. Also a great way to further the Hulk/Widow storyline would be her hunting for her true love. It doesn’t always have to be the guy chasing the girl does it? Oh wait that makes me sexiest to think that a girl would need a guy doesn’t it?
There is one other option, one that hasn’t be thought of yet. Here goes. It was a fucking superhero movie and none of what has been said was thought of. It was written to entertain people not to make a political statements!
The reason I am writing this blog is because I like to do it. I like to write and get my ideas and opinions out there. I liked the sound of my own voice...so to speak...and I might even start podcasting again.

I have come to realize that I look at the world differently than most people. Perhaps I don’t have the rose colored glasses others do or perhaps the problem is that I do! I don’t try to put a statement on everything that is done. The perfect example is Black Widows “treatment” in Age of Ultron. This article is well written but I think is missing the point of a lot of what is done in the flick.
Also I don’t believe that Natasha was actually tending bar in the one scene but making a drink for her and Banner as I don’t remember seeing her making drinks in the other scenes during the party but what do I know, I was there to see an enjoyable movie about not real things not pick it apart to further my own agenda!
Sorry about that, that “real” Gene come out for a second. If you haven’t watched Age of Ultron yet do not read on as I will be talking about things in flick. The big idea in this flick is that all of the Avengers are attacked on a personal level by the Scarlet Witch (played by the lovely and extremely talented Elizabeth Olsen). Each member of the team see something that shakes them to their core, be it a possible future or the past or what they fear most or...well you get the idea. Widow is reminded of her past.
Before this is happens we also see a budding romance between Natasha and Banner. Natasha has the ability to bring Banner back when he has “Hulked Up (Brother)”. We also know that it was Natasha who has spent the most time with Banner (on screen character wise).
Okay before I get to what happens next with Natasha lets look at her character so far. She is a deadly assassin who answers the phone while being tortured, faced the Hulk with little fear, is willing to use her feminine charms when needed, has a bad past, has had her moments with Captain America, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and seemingly has/had a relationship with Hawkeye. I am not sure what could be done more to make her a stronger character. Oh lets not forget she tricked the trickster god into telling her his plan. Pretty weak characteristics to me!
Back to our new story. We find out that during Natashas training she was forced to become sterile and, here is what a lot of people hate, she uses the line “You’re not the only monster on the team.” Yep, that makes Joss Whedon a sexist.
Or you’re missing the point and forcing that line to fit your own narrative! Of course I could be doing the same thing here, only one person knows and that is Joss. I took it to mean many things. She is a monster for what she allowed to be done to herself. She is a monster for what she has done to others. She is monster because she does what has to be done including allowing herself to be mutilated. I never thought it meant she was a monster because she can’t have kids in the way some took it. She is a monster so she can’t have kids, do you see the difference. They explain that they sterilize the women so they won’t have the distraction of children. This scene takes place after we’ve seen how much Hawkeye’s (Yes he has a family) kids love her and how good she is with them.
Throughout the entire film the idea of our heroes being monsters (perhaps to stop the monsters) is brought up. Banner especially is aware of this and that is what Natasha, in my opinion, falls in love with. The fact that Banner feels about himself (the monster) that she feels about herself (the monster). It is about two people who can’t find love because of what they think they are finding love because of what they are, human.
At no point did I feel Natasha was playing the damsel in distress for the sake of it. In the first Avengers film it was Hawkeye who had to be saved by Widow. This time it was Widow being saved by Banner. To further the love story and because it made sense! Just like it did for her to save Hawkeye last time. Or to save Cap in Winters Soldier or the various other times she has saved people.
I look at this “controversy” as manufactured by people looking for something to bitch about. It is like people getting mad at Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner joking about Widow being the “slut” of the Avengers. They are laughing as they say it for one and two it is kind of true. She is the one character that has been in all of their lives because she is the one S.H.I.E.L.D agent so Fury sends her. She uses her skills, whichever are needed to get the job done. Sorta seducing Stark, playing on Caps values and whatever else is needed. Again that doesn’t make her a bad character it makes her a well written smart character.
I wish this was about the movie. About how the writing felt forced at times and that the characters were almost caricatures of themselves. The fact that this felt more like a holding midseason episode of your favorite TV show instead of the end of Phase 2 and moving into Phase 3. No instead it is talking about how much of a sexiest pig Whedon is. I mean did you see that show of his Buffy, what a pig!
Could Black Widow have been written better? Of course she could have! You also need to realize you had ten “main characters” and that doesn’t include Fury, Hill, War-Machine or Falcon. This movie did more to make Widow seem human and maybe that is what people are upset about. They didn’t want her to be a character, just a kick ass chick in leather.
I will be honest, as much screen time as she has had throughout the Marvel movies I never wanted a Black Widow flick. Why? I knew little about her, she was just what I said before, a kick ass chick in leather. We’ve got other movies for that. However now I kind of do. Delve a little more into her past. A little more with Hawkeye and her “debt” she owes him. Also a great way to further the Hulk/Widow storyline would be her hunting for her true love. It doesn’t always have to be the guy chasing the girl does it? Oh wait that makes me sexiest to think that a girl would need a guy doesn’t it?
There is one other option, one that hasn’t be thought of yet. Here goes. It was a fucking superhero movie and none of what has been said was thought of. It was written to entertain people not to make a political statements!
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