
Movie Review: The Green Book

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening....whenever it is you have come to find this entry.  It has been a while but hopefully I can get back to a regular blogging.  Today, 2/9/19, I am watching the flick The Green Book which is up for 5 Oscars this year including best picture, actor and supporting actor.  I am not going to do a blow by blow as I was working on other things as I started the flick. 

Overall I have enjoyed the flick.  I am in the final act and we shall see if my guess is correct or not.  The acting is amazing!  I hope that both men win for the their performances.  While I didn't see the flick in 2018 it is quickly become one of my favorites.  While it is not the type of flick that I usually enjoy it was so well done and performed. 

If there is anything that I can complain about is that it is a little long.  Nearly any flick over two hours I feel like needs to be cut down.  There is not much I would cut here and ten minutes is not a huge deal but it did drag on occasion. 

I agree with the 8.3 that it currently has on IMDB. 

Again not something I usually enjoy and I know there were some bad things that came out of the flick.  I do not care about.  I am watching a movie about two people who should not have been friends or even know each other become friends and respect each other. 

I do not want to get preachy but the world can learn from this story now more then ever!  We do not need to have division, we need to have love. 

I know this is brief but it is what it is.  I have to get back into the swing of this blogging thing!

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