
Paranormal Activity 3 review

Over the weekend I went and saw Paranormal Activity 3. Those of you who know me know that I saw the first one in the theater 3 times I believe. I loved the movie. I am a big fan of suspenseful movies like this. What I like about these movies is that it isn't about the scare, although the scare is good, its about the build up to the scare. This one is good, not great but good.

Cons: One of the big drawbacks to this flick is its run time. At 85 minutes it is just too short. I would have liked to see another 15 minutes tacked onto the film to help build the end which was really good. The film does a nice job of building slowly but it is suddenly over with little built up to the final 10 minutes or so. There could have a been a little more there. The other thing I didn't like is that it was a little short on the scares. Of course that goes with the run time as well. The other thing is that this one was slightly more predictable than the first two but that happens when you're the third movie I guess.

Pros: The acting is great. The little girl, Jessica Tyler Brown, who plays young Kristi really does a fantastic job. She plays the creepy little girl amazingly. The other little girl, Chloe Csengery who plays young Katie also does a great job. There is a scene she does while playing the old game "Bloody Mary" which might be the best scene in the entire film. That 5-8 minutes is intense and well done especially by her. The scares were well done and Toby (the demon's name in the flick thanks to young Kristi) is pretty well done when he does his stuff.

Overall enjoyable. I would see it again to see if I missed anything although this one was slightly less involved. I also would have liked to see my crush Katie Featherston (from the first two) in it more only because I enjoy her so much! I would give it 3 out of 4. The run time knocked it down some or it would have been a 3.5 out of 4. Really well done overall. I hope this is the end of these movies as I don't want to see it turned into Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street where it runs its course and then some. They told a great story in the three films, gave you all the info you need and it is time to put these to bed.

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