
Review of Battle: Los Angeles

Today I did something I hadn't done since July. No it wasn't take a shower, I do that once a month if I need it or not. I went to see a movie. We were talking about it last night while gaming and I realized that it had been that long AND that I could afford it once a week or so. Also I am quite stressed and a movie relaxes. I went to movies.yahoo.com and found out what was playing at my local Cinemark theatres. Most of it looked like NOTHING I would enjoy. Then I saw it. Battle: Los Angeles

I had heard of this movie but without TV now I don't see previews and I was out of the loop. It stars Aaron Eckhart, Bridget Moynahan, Cory Hardrict and Michelle Rodriguez atleast those are the people you would know. Bridget, while I enjoy her wasn't a star really.

Anyway I really enjoyed this film. It was everything that District 9 wasn't and I mean that in a good way. District 9 was trying to make a politically point and wasn't close to what I expected. I really like the movie and own the DVD but it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted explosions, shooting, people screaming and stuff like that. That is what you get from Battle: Los Angeles.

The plot is basic, meteors are crashing off the coast of most major cities and then BAM alien! Aaron Eckhart plays a SSgt. Michael Nantz who is putting in his retirement papers when he finishes his current training mission. Very cliche I know but there is more I could say but I don't want to ruin anything. He replaces another soldier who is off on leave and he is trust into action. From there you get explosions, aliens, more explosions, shooting, yet more explosions, Michael Pena of Shield Fame, an actual emotional scene and yes more explosions.

As I said earlier this is what I wanted when I went to District 9 originally. Was this "The Kings Speech"? I don't know as that doesn't look entertaining to me but I doubt it. This was dumb excitement and I loved it. It was slightly long and could have been cut down a little. I applaud them to try and make us care about the characters at the start but that isn't what you want from movies like this typically. They tried but they tried to be too much at times. I just wanted to see stuff blow up and they gave me that.

Overall I would give it 3.75 out of 5. Was it a movie I would see again? Probably not. Depending on DVD extras I could possibly get the DVD. The acting was well done and Aaron gave a great speech at on point. He really does good in movies that shouldn't be any good, The Core, Thank You for Smoking, and lets be honest no one expected anything from that Dark Knight POS (sarcasm on the last one, please don't send death threats!).

If you want just a stupid action flick this is a great option. It isn't preachy like almost everything else anymore. It was just dumb entertainment and I dug it. I am doing six days next week at work and I might not get a chance to go see a flick next week. Paul is my next flick I think as it comes out this week.


A ranting blog (teachers may not like this)

Okay today I am going to just throw out a bunch of random stuff that pisses me off. Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter “S”. S can form cool words like Sleep and Shit.

• First off I am so sick and tired of people being late for work? There is NO excuse for it. Okay there is but very few. Heart attack, I’ll allow it. Car Accident, okay. Hmmm, I don’t know what else I can accept as an excuse. Proper planning typically will fix anything else. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was late for work. I really can’t.

• Little kids going door to door trying to sell things really piss me off. It really does. Nothing worse then on a lazy Sunday afternoon having some snot nosed little bastard knocking on the door to try and sell you overpriced crap. Especially in an apartment complex that says no soliciting. Should have told them off is what I should have done.

• Panhandlers are the same way. A few weeks ago I had one come up to a friend and I asking for money and my friend was going to give him a quarter and the guy was like “that’s it?” He then went on a rant because I was in shorts and t-shirt. The guy had a really nice winter jacket, backpack, headphones, was pretty clean shaven, oakleys and stuff like that. What he was doing was his job because suckers will
give him money. Personally I only wanted to give him a kick to the crotch.

• People. Yeah I am pretty sick of people in general. It is always I need this NOW so when you do it then they don’t get back to you. What they mean is I need this NOW when it is convenient for me.

From here you can stop reading as those are the few things that have pissed me off recently besides this big rant that I’m about to go on.

But the biggest thing that has pissed me off recently are those assclowns in Wisconsin. No not the Governor, the teachers. Yeah in this case I am pissed at the teacher. Now before you all go off and think I’ve gone to the dark side or something (I can’t go where I already am by the way) let me explain. First off take emotions out of the equation because that will only cause trouble.

What job do the teachers have? I know that seems like a stupid question but keep following me and you’ll get why I’m pissed at them. What job do they have? To teach, right? So why are we hearing about schools shutting down for days at a time? Because the teachers are sick and by sick we mean taking sick days and protesting at the capital.

Do you know what I would do if I was the Governor? I would find out which teachers are protesting, and if they have taken sick days instead of personal days to do this, I would fire them. FIRE THEM! Then he won’t have to lay people off.
What they are doing is wrong. What kind of example is this to the students? Don’t like what is happening? Walk out! Protest! Instead of doing it through proper channels just protest. I lost all respect for these ‘teachers’ when I heard of this. Protesting on your time, more power to you, but doing it on the tax payers time is wrong. Then I heard about them taking their students and I nearly lost it. Stories, and I don’t know if all of them are true but if even one is true it wrong, of teachers having the kids making protest signs and then marching. There is a video of High School kids protesting and when asked why they had no idea that their teacher brought them there. Well that teacher is BULLSHIT! Carrying around nazi signs, really? Nazi’s killed people did the Governor do something that I didn’t hear about?

Now the problem is that there are a lot of good teachers who are going to get put with these assholes. I am sorry for that, I really am. I taught and I know it is a thankless job. However it is the job you picked. If you don’t like it, you can leave. I for a while had planned to stay with Barnes and Noble, to continue to move up the ladder there until I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted anymore. I can go into details but it was mostly politics there (and not Dems and Rep crap). So do you know what I did? I left and got a new job! I left a job that I really enjoyed, and I did enjoy BN…and I wish I could have stayed, because I knew the future that was there for me wasn’t the future I wanted. Teachers can do that too. There are a lot of other opportunities out there for educators.

This unfair wage stuff is crap as well. Do a little research and you’ll find that isn’t true. Do they have to work long hours at time, yes they do. Do they have to deal with shit from the ungrateful worthless students, of course they do. Did they know all that before they got into it? They should have!

Now I don’t want it to sound like I am bashing all teachers. I loved teaching and if I wasn’t so extremely lazy I would finish my degree and possibly go back to it. I miss it and by most accounts I was good at it. The four months I did it I had test scores up 25%. I got a student to pass his basic math test that two others couldn’t do. I respect teachers who teach. I don’t respect those who walk out and protest instead of doing their jobs.

Quite frankly that is what the union is there for right? You pay the union to deal with things like this so that you can do what you love, teaching. I was lucky I was at a private school and didn’t have to join a union, I don’t believe they are needed any more. Unions take money and do nothing for the people anymore. Need examples, look at GM. They took and took and took from GM. They bleed them dry and now are giving away benefits to keep their own jobs. Or my great grandfather who paid into the union for some 40 years or something and then after he retired they took all his benefits away. No money coming in so they didn’t care. Unions were good in the early 1900’s but now they are dragging companies down, in my opinion of course.
Anyway back to the Wisconsin asshats. I was with them until they walked out. Now it isn’t all them. The governor has got what he wanted and yet he is still threatening to take away collective bargaining. That isn’t right either. Personally they are both wrong for different reasons. I am not as upset with the governor as I am the teachers. They have given a very poor example to their students and have turned a major portion of the public against teachers. It is one of those things where they had the right to do it but was it the right thing to do?