
Movie Review: I.T.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whenever it is you have come across this entry.  Today (9/24/17) I am checking out the flick I.T.  It stars Pierce Brosnan, Jason Barry and Karen Moskow.  It currently has a rating of 5.4/10 with 10,335 votes.  "A self-proclaimed millionaire, has his life turned upside down after firing his I.T. consultant."  This should let everyone know not to mess with your I.T. guys...after years of dealing with end users we all might be a little mentally unstable!

  • So far nothing has happened, just nothing
  • Is Pierce using a different accent?
  • This IT guy is making us all look like weirdos
  • And he is a creep and stalker!  Great!
  • He seems a little old for the girl he is stalking
  • Is he really showing up at his bosses house randomly?
  • He does have a really nice setup in his house though, I'd love to have like 10 monitors...I don't know why....probably because it looks so cool on TV and movies
  • Bad stalker or worst stalker?
  • I don't want to think about this, she is 17!  I'm sure the actress isn't but still
  • This is very illogical, why is he coming on so strong?  Maybe we'll find out why soon
  • This is already a little long drawn out
  • At least he knew right away it was it was Porter
  • So in this movie universe the doctors just email you that you have cancer?
  • Oh no, he didn't really send that to the school did he?  That is...well...awful
  • She is blaming her husband?  Like he knew he was insane?
  • Why did it take this guy to figure out the first thing you do is "dumb" your house?
  • Interesting role reversal
  • Really?  It comes down to a hostage situation?  This script is not good
  • Thank goodness for the random HURRICANE that is happening 
There isn't a lot for me to say to this flick really.  It had the ground work for a really cool story but it went off the rails quickly due to a poor script.  The acting was really well done and act one was as well.  Act two started off strong and then by act three I was shaking my head.  The police just ignoring people was just the start. 

Overall I think the 5 is a little high unfortunately but not because of the actors.  I blame the director and script here.  A good idea that just didn't blossom into a good flick.  4/10 for this one.  I wouldn't search this one out boys and girls.

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