
Movie Review: Bad Ben

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening....whenever it is you've come across this entry.  Today I'm checking out the flick Bad Ben.  "Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal." Its stars Nigel Bach...who is also the director...which might not be a good sign.  However over on IMDB it has a 7/10 as of 11/27...it only has 5 ratings but still a good number.  My future Brother-in-Law asked what we thought about the flick so we are checking out
  • Just because you have typing in your opening you don't need to have "typing" noises!
  • Why would he throw away "The oldest bible I've ever seen"?
  • Was that a ladder and Christmas tree?
  • I'm pretty sure most people would just call the police if they came home to an open door and stuff moved around
  • Nigel Bach isn't very believable when it comes to him be angry
  • Gotta say this is a little slow
  • Shitty yard in the back, that'll get a few bucks knocked off
  • Damn, I want an AC unit that will blow me off the toilet!  Okay...probably not a selling point
  • Did that ghost have a sheet over his head like a ghost in old cartoons?
  • So this ghost is just going to turn on lights in the house then off?  THINK OF THE POWER BILL!!
  • Okay this isn't that bad, the practical effects are nice
  • That guy has some slight anger issues
  • VooDoo?
  • God I hate the sound of babies!
  • He doesn't know what that is?  Its ashes you fool!  The urn is right there!
  • How about that?  Is that better?
  • Shit, that ghost just fucked that guy up!  He got punched in the face by a ghost...is that a pop song?
  • Wait...he just putting the stuff in the grave?  That seems...unproductive to me
  • Doing your own exorcism seems like a bad idea
  • Is this guy Hank Hill?
  • What the hell was the point of the last two minutes of this flick?  To watch him mow the lawn and take out the trash?
  • Pretty sure that is the is the point where I'd leave
  • This is a little drawn out
  • What the fuck is that scretching?  
Well that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I have to give the director/star credit, he's done more than I have!  It was done with mostly practical effects which is good.  The only draw back was that Nigel wasn't the best actor.  I didn't buy when he was angry which is sad.  Also the editing was a little off but enjoyable for the most part.  I'd suggest watching it if you want an okay slow moving horror flick.  There are a LOT worse flicks out there for sure.  I'd give a 6/10.


Life isn't that bad!

It has been a few weeks since I posted and mostly because...well the world at large is shit!  I hate to be that way but it seem that way to me anymore.  Not my little part slice of the world, that is fantastic and I am actually happier then I have been in a long LONG time.

I mean I am an engaged to the ying to my yang when it comes to weirdness.  We fit together great. But sadly at the same time the world seems to have gone into this deep hole of depression that seemingly will never end.

And what makes me a sad panda is that it is over something that people don't even know is coming! I am the king of coming up with scenarios that probably won't happen.  When I can't sleep that is what I do, I run things through my head that MIGHT happen but are as likely as Beyonce coming up and saying she loves a fat man with a beard!

We have people literally crying over things that might happen.  We have people talking about how horrible everything will be.  People, lets be honest, we have no idea what the future holds!  So stop it. 

Look around you and find the happy things in life!  Find the friends that are there for you when you suddenly think one man is going to take the entire world back to the 1700's.  Look around and find the things that make you happy.  Be it a good book or a good movie or a good meal!  Go back to posting stupid pictures of your meals that no one really cares about.  It is better than once again posting some fake news story,

So here is what I want to suggest to everyone, eat drink and be merry.  Stop being so oversensitive to everything.  Stop FINDING things to be offended by.  Stop LOOKING for things to be offended by. We aren't going to have a Muslim registry.  We aren't going to build a wall.  We aren't going to throw Hillary Clinton into jail, even if she did break the law.  We aren't going to repeal all of Obamacare and make doctors use leeches again.  Trump isn't going to get rid of Same Sex Marriage.  We aren't going to see the end of abortions.  Just take a deep breath and relax boys and girls.

So here is what Doctor Gene says.  When you're feeling overwhelmed shut off everything.  Shut off your phone.  Turn off the computer.  Find a friend who will do the same.  Go out to a nice restaurant...or even bad restaurant.  

Then go to redbox or netflix or hulu or piratebay or whatnot and find a good comedy that you love. Watch it and sip wine or rum or whiskey or whatever your drink of choice is.  Watch it and remember it isn't that bad!

I can't believe I'm writing these words but life isn't horrible boys and girls.  It only is if you make it!  

No let me say that if any of what I said above starts happening I will be upset but I honestly don't believe they are going to happen.  Lets wait and see what happens THEN have the appropriate response.   

I will end with these quote:


Have we survived the week?

The post below was written the day after the election, I didn't post it because I felt like something was missing and I didn't like it.  Now I realize that it wasn't that I didn't like it it was that I didn't want to disagree with people.  I didn't want to add to the hate and anger and basically all the negativity that is out there but I think some of the things needs to be said.

Also I think that it needs to be pointed out some of the stuff I said was true.  Already Trump has backed away from a lot of the things he said in the campaign.  Gay marriage is the law of the land. There might be some fencing around Mexico but it sounds like he is already away from the wall idea. He was talked about nice Hillary was.  It is almost like he saw a group of people who weren't getting what they wanted and gave it to them and it worked.

The funny thing is that what the losing side is doing is the same thing the winning side has done for the last eight years that had the losing side so angry!

Lastly let me say that this is meant to be something to get people thinking.  I am not trying to sway anyones mind because in these kind of things that can't be done very often.  Everyone who hates the President Elect is going to hate him.  If he gave them $100 dollar bill they'd be upset it wasn't in $20's.  The last thing people want to be shown, and trust me I fall into this all the time, is that they were wrong.  That what they believed as truth was wrong.  I am not attacking anyone I just want people to stop thinking with their hearts as much and think with their heads.  Look at things objectively and hopefully see that things might not be what you saw.  That this could have been one giant sleight of hand.


I had refrained from saying much about this election because there was so much out there flooding the market so to speak.  So much hatred and confusing information the last thing I needed/wanted to do was to add my garbage to it.  But I feel like I need to say something here.  It might be unpopular but let me say it...

It is going to be okay.

Everyone take a deep breath.  Our new President Elect is perhaps not the President we want but the President we deserve.  Why do I say that?

Because what Trump has said is what a lot of people believe and think.  That is what we want right? We want to have a President that represents "us" correct?  Well we have that now.  We have a man who no one thought would win...well that isn't true.  I said he would win the day he announced he was running.

Also we as a nation created this monster!  We were the ones who kept talking about him.  "Did you see what he said today?"  "Oh my God (Becky) did you see what happened at the Trump rally last night?"  We couldn't turn away like a bad car crash.

Another problem with all of this is that we allowed "the media" to influence us.  We no longer looked to journalist for our information instead we got our info in 140 character "sound" bites.  We watched as people like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow spewed their hate filled rhetoric at us and we lapped it up like cats to a bowl of milk.  Whichever side people were on we had people to follow like good sheep.  We allowed non factors like Clinton's email servers and Trumps wife working before her work visa to be factors.

But there is another reason that this could be a good thing and it is the President we deserve.  This country is sick...

Why do I say that?  Look at what Donald Trump exposed.  He exposed that we are still full of hatred and every *ism you can think of.  He, perhaps unwittingly, turned the mirror back on this country and showed us that we have a LONG way to go.

But the thing to remember it isn't just hate on one side.  Look at the responses and reactions from people as President Elect Trump was winning.  I saw things like we are all monsters and how scared people are.  I want to steal something from Dan Rather:

As Trump took the podium for his first speech, not as a party candidate but as the president-elect of the entire United States, his tone was of the utmost importance. He seemed to be reading off a prompter carefully prepared words. But he started with a statement of magnanimity for HIllary Clinton. He spoke of binding the wounds of division. He promised to be president of all Americans. He spoke of a great public works project and protecting veterans.

He was optimistic in speaking of the future. Notably missing was any talk of some of the drastically contentious hallmarks of his campaign - building a wall, a Muslim ban, the NATO allies - just to name a few.

You can be deeply skeptical of his motives and refuse to forget all that he has said and that has transpired. There is a looming verdict for history to level and it is a story still to be written. There is also a real question with Trump’s ascension whether the ends justify the means - whether the truth matters. Be all that as it may, we need to have a peaceful transition of power. That is an unmoveable hallmark of the stability of our democracy.

Trump said that campaigning was difficult. Well, governing is much more so and that is now in his hands. He has made a lot of promises. We will see what he keeps. He said their work is just beginning. That is an understatement.

The world is on edge. The country is deeply divided. The markets have gone off a cliff. World capitals are erupting in anxiety. Huge segments of the American public are in panic - going through the shock of grief. This is the world that is now Trump’s to contend with. Do we really know what we have wrought?

This is a conversation that I need you to be a part of. Do not opt out. Your voice matters now more than ever. I will continue to be here in the days and weeks ahead. And we shall endeavor, together, to find a path forward in the best of America’s ideals.


We are at a crossroad in this country and honestly I don't like where we are going.  Not because of the President Elect but because of the way people are reacting.  For the eight years I've see people say things like "Obama ain't my President" and his supporters say things like "he won get over it".  The people who said this are whole hardheartedly against some of the things that President Obama stood for.  Things like "Obamacare" and equal rights for non-straight people (which I am completely for the later, the first I have a lot of problems with).  Often this is due to upbringing and religious believes.

I started this entry on Wednesday, the day after the election, and I am continuing on 11/11.  Trump has released his 100 day plan, which I didn't see before the election, and honestly there isn't anything horrible on it. I don't like that he is going to stop funding the climate change programs the U.N. have going but I do like that he is going to funnel that money to fix Americans water and environment. The one that worries me the most is "First, cancel every unconstitutional executive action. memorandum and order issued by President Obama"  Mostly because I don't know of anything unconstitutional he did, but then again it is all interpretation isn't it.  So that is slightly worrisome for people but everything else on the list I either agree with or can see where the President Elect is coming from.

Do you know what isn't on the list?  A lot of what people are afraid of.  No where does it say he is going to kick out all non-Americans.  He is going to remove people here illegally but is that a bad thing?  I ask that seriously because I don't see how punishing a criminal (which they are) is a bad thing.  I believe he should give them an express path to citizenship and say 90 days to comply with said express path.  However if you break the law, even a law you don't agree with, you run the risk of the punishment.  Yes he wants to suspend immigration from "terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur".  You can argue both sides of this but at the end of the day I don't believe this is out of hate but out of concern for the people of this country.

Honestly what has happened is that people don't watch enough professional wrestling (I know, here the fat man goes again).  Trump is a wrestling fan, at least he knows about the product.  He has personal friends with the McMahon family.  He hosted 2 Wrestlemania's in the late 80's, was involved in one and is actually a member of the WWE Hall of Fame .

What Donald Trump did, I hope and I pray, is "worked" the American people.  Watch his speeches for the last two years.  He would just ramble until he said something the crowd would cheer and then he would focus on that.  So he said some bad things but because he wanted to get the people to cheer for him and vote for him.  Not saying he should have said those things and I could be completely wrong but this is how I am seeing it.  It is no different then James LeBron talking about how many championships he is going to win to get the crowd to cheer or Hillary saying things that will get cheers.  It is part of good speech writing is knowing the audience and saying what they will support. Back to the wrestling idea is that he would get the crowd so fired up that when the "heel" or "bad guy", who was Clinton in this case, came out they were ready to kill her.  Back in the 60's, 70's and even early 80's wrestlers were so hated they would get stabbed because they either said or did horrible things or the good guy would SAY they did and said horrible things.  This is what Trump did.  He would find out what the people in Diamondale Michigan hated about President Obama or Clinton and focus on that.  When in Mudlick Kentucky he would do the same.  He did it over and over and over again.  He won because he convinced people he is like them.  Stone Cold Steve Austin was popular because he drank beer and bad mouthed his boss.  The Ring Master Steve Austin was not popular because he was just a guy who wrestled.

I guess the whole point of my ranting and raving here is to say that we need to look at what he DOES not what he has SAID.  I am not excusing what he said and some of it was disgusting and shouldn't be said but I want everyone out there to get a mirror and look into it.  Have you never said something in a group of friends that later on you can't believe you said?  Said something that isn't how you feel because you were angry or upset or excited?  If you haven't you're a better person then I am.

I don't want Trump to fail because him failing means the country fails and this is my country!  I am not the most patriotic person in the world but I don't wish it to fail.

Lastly I want those anti-Trump people who are upset because of what their children will learn from the President, what are you teaching them?  What are your actions and words teaching them? Growing up I didn't look at Presidents or sports personalities or anyone like that for my role model. I looked at my parents and grandparents to know how to behave.  What are your children learning from you now?


The Walking Dead: Season 7 Episode 3 review

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever if it is you've come across this blog.  After not watching last weeks episode live I'm back for my live thoughts as they happen.  This week Daryl is taken by Negan to the Sanctuary, home of the Saviors. Meanwhile, Dwight is sent on a mission to bring back a runaway member of his group.  It'll be interesting to see what happens to Daryl and melty face.

  • I am not looking forward to a mostly Daryl episode, I just don't care for his character...sorry ladies
  • I wonder when we'll find out why Dwight has a melty face
  • Very strange choice of music....
  • Why would you want people to kneel to you?  You oppress them enough they'll rise up, why do they not learn from history
  • Is that greased up naked deaf guy from Family Guy, not 100% sure on that
  • More really weird music....
  • Gotta respect how Negan breaks a mans spirit
  • Wonder what the "A" means, work assignments?
  • Good grief, that was what 3 minutes between commercial breaks?
  • Did that dumb fat bastard forget to lock the door?
  • Wouldn't a motorcycle call every walked toward you within 5 miles?
  • Some gross looking dead there
  • Negan't can't whistle
  • Don't piss off Lucile!
  • That bike is FUCKED up, way to go melty face
  • I bet she was sent by Negan, all a set up to break Daryl.
  • And I just rolled my eyes at the line about fighting the monsters
  • Was that the human thing to do?
  • Boy that Rouge One preview sure got me excited for the flick....oh wait nope not at all
  • Smoking is bad and those would have to be stale as fuck after all those years
  • Bet that is what is left go Glenn...but I sure in the fuck couldn't tell what it was
  • It'd be really hot in that leather jacket I'd think
  • I don't know if Daryl is dumb or brave
Well there we go.  I am not a fan of this episode, mostly because I just don't care about Daryl as a character, much like last weeks episode with mostly because I don't care about Carol.  Anyway not a lot to say about this episode, I was pretty bored.  I am off to do other things with Talking Dead in the background.
