
Movie Review: Suicide Squad

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever it is you happen to read this.  I am back and today I'm reviewing the newish flick Suicide Squad.  It stars Will Smith, Jared Leto and Margot Robbie.  "A secret government agency recruits a group of imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency, which inevitably leads to chaos."

It was an interesting flick to say the least.  Let first say it was nice to see Zuul in a summer movie this year!

Okay seriously now talk about this flick.  First off I don't like this version of the Joker!  Animated Jokers face is the same as mine was when Joker first shows up in this flick.

This isn't a shot at Leto at all.  He was fantastic in what he was given but I didn't like the complete lunatic version of Joker.  I liked the Animated Version and/or the Dark Knight.  Goofy as a pet coon as Jim Ross would say but not completely insane.  This version however, just over the top.  Also I HATE the idea of the tattoos.  I don't know why I just do.  Its not that I hated it but I did dislike it.

While talking about things I disliked the flick was a little long in the tooth.  IMDB lists it at 2 hours and 5 minutes and it felt that way for sure.  There were several things that could have been cut.  The Borderlands-esc introductions for example.  However to be fair it could be that I was/am extremely tired.

Lastly I didn't like the casting of Amanda Waller.  Much like Leto, Viola Davis did a fantastic job but I always envisioned CCH Pounder in the role.  She did the voice on Justice League and Assault on Arkham and she fits the role well.  That is just me nitpicking things however.

I really liked the main groups casting of Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and Harley.  All three were awesome, especially Margot.  She was perfect in the role and fit the character perfect.  Even the voice/accent was perfect.  I'd give her performance 11/10 for sure!

That isn't to say that Smith as Deadshot wasn't good.  He was great as the bad guy with a heart of gold.  Unfortunately he didn't say "I've got to get me one of these" which was wrong.  I mean that is his catch phrase!

The storyline was slow and plotting yet felt rushed as the sametime.  They had one character who we knew nothing about and was dead almost before he was on the screen.  Also the inclusion of Katana felt odd and unneeded.  I'm sure it is for future storyline but it just felt odd.

Overall I enjoyed it but it wasn't anything special, so I'd give it a 6/10.  It wasn't a Marvel flick but it was enjoyable.  I'd like to see a spinoff for both Deadshot and Harley, especially if you can get a good storyline for Harley.

This isn't a flick that needs to be seen in the theaters but worth checking out if you like DC or "superhero" flicks.

Oh one more complaint...where the fuck was seal boy?

Until next time...please remember this important thing...

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