
To Trump or not to Trump....that is the question

It felt good doing an actual blog entry a few days ago I decided to do another.  This is one that I've been thinking about writing about for a while, so much so that I think I've written about it twice and then stopped.  That topic....

Donald Trump

Yeah, he is in the WWE Hall of Fame
When he first announced he was running for President I remember turning to my coworkers and saying he was going to win.  I still honestly believe that.  There are enough stupid Americans who will vote for him because he thinks like them.

I want to yell this at almost everyone
Honestly I believe he will win because people are stupid and will vote against their own best interests and because he says what people are thinking.  Part of me is refreshed by this because you don't see him changing what he says for who he is in front of.  On the flip side it scares me because he is saying what the general public thinks, and the general public is stupid!

What...don't get mad at me for saying the truth.  I'm sorry but the general public is as dumb as a box of rocks as the saying goes.  I went looking for pictures to show how stupid Americans are just at political rallies and I got depressed.  The things people are willing to put on a piece of poster board!

Seriously...I know I'm going off topic here but guess what, it is my blog and I can do that!  Looking at pictures and watching clips of the people in political rallies scares me.  If they were in black and white I'd think it was around 1941!

Okay back to Donald.  What I love best about his entire campaign is that he is basically a wrestling heel...okay bad guy for those who aren't used to insider terms.  He went out and basically said anything he could and waited to see what people reacted to.  All he needs to do is start wearing of these suits:

He can probably leave the Tennis Racket at home
He isn't nearly as entertaining as The Brain
Don't believe me?  Go back and watch some Bobby Heenan or Jim Cornette interviews.  They say the same type things.  They said outrageous things and always got a reaction and that is what Donald did!  And much like the wrestling fans of the late 70's and 80's the country ate it up.  People were outraged!  But more importantly they were talking...about him.

You see boy and girls...we have no one to blame but ourselves for the fact that he is the Republican nominee.  If we, a the general public, had ignored him, he would have gone away.  Much like a bug bite it would have sucked for a few days but overall it is better then the alternative of scratching till you get an infection.

Well we have an infection now don't we?  We have an infection that could be much more deadly come November.  We could have left him alone and he would have imploded but instead we fed him. Much like a Mogwai we knew we shouldn't but what harm could come of it.  One chicken leg can't hurt that much and then BAM!

I think this might be actual rally footage...don't quote me on that
We fell for his trap!  To keep with the Gremlins references we allowed him to change the clocks on us!  That isn't to say that I believe he will be a bad President, I don't know.  He has a lot of crazy ideas but a lot of them he can't actually do.  

Lets be honest, the President, while called the most Powerful Person in the World, doesn't have a lot of power on his own.  I do believe that he will hurt our standing in the World Community however, and lets be honest, we are just coming out of a pretty deep hole.

However we haven't learned our lesson yet have we?  I still see people constantly talking about him. We continue to feed this monster and he continues to grow!  ENOUGH PEOPLE!

My thoughts exactly Stone Cold!
Instead of talking about how bad Donald is going to be talk about how great Hillary is going to be! You can't beat negativity with negativity!
Look what I just wrote.  If ANYONE knows that its me.  I might be the most negative person in the world.  At times I'm so negative I'm positive!

Stop feeding the beast!  Stop with all the memes and charts and everything else.  Stop focusing on him at all.  I don't believe that if you want beat evil you become evil yourself and that is what so many people are doing.  I know that they say you fight fire with fire but I believe that the saying if you sling mud everyone gets dirty. 

I'm begging everyone to stop talking about him...and yes I see the irony of me begging people not to talk about him while I'm doing the same thing but I am willing to be the bad guy and do it.  

As Fancy Lee said "Every organization needs a designated asshole. That is my gift to the Killjoy collective. The asshole may not be liked, but he will always be necessary. Because he does what's needed."  And that is my gift to this collective.  Let me be the asshole and the bad guy so you boys and girls don't have to be.  

Until next time, please remember!

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