

 I delete my last post.  Why?  Because it was bullshit.  Guess who is back....


Movie Review: The Deep House

 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening…whenever it is you have found this entry.  Tonight, 2021-11-07 I am checking out the 2021 flick The Deep House.  Stars Camille Rowe, James Jagger, and Eric Savin.  “A young and modern couple who go to France to explore an underwater house and share their findings on social media undergoes a serious change of plans when the couple enters the interior of a strange house located at the bottom of a lake and their presence awakens a dark spirit that haunts the house.”  2,316 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 5.5 / 10

  • ·        The accents make things slightly hard to watch
  • ·        God is watching over us?  We’ll you are not screwed
  • ·        Why would anyone want to do this?  Getting trapped seems like an obvious problem
  • ·        Why do people always split up?  Have they never seen scooby doo?
  • ·        They are windows….you do not need to pry them open
  • ·        Voices over the intercom and that isn’t a problem to her?  I would be out o there
  • ·        Now they are seeing people and they just keep going.  These two deserve to die in their watery graves stupid people
  • ·        Scratches on the inside of the door and these two are still there.  Why are people in horror movies so damn stupid?
  • ·        A lot of jump scares which actually makes this feel more real
  • ·        Why does the kitchen have a giant crucified Jesus?
  • ·        They don’t think it is weird that Jesus is protecting a secret room?  Like keeping something….inside?
  • ·        So this family was really into S&M before the house flooded don’t kink shame them girly!
  • ·        The house will not let them leave!
  • ·        Oh yes the shatterproof windows
  • ·        Oh, shit the S&M guys are not filming them?!?
  • ·        I am so confused as to what is happening right now
  • ·        The POV filming makes it hard to know what is going on at times, I suppose to give you the feeling that you are there with them but makes it hard to follow at times
  • ·        Very good use of the environment and giving the viewer that panicked feeling
  • ·        Inside her suit?  FUCK THAT!
  • ·        I wonder if the flick is done in real-time; meaning they are only underwater for the 60 minutes
  • ·        He might be okay….it was only two stabbings

This is actually better than I expected going in.  It sounds really bad but it is not bad at all.  It was hard to follow every once in a while because of the POV nature of the flick but overall fun to watch.  A really good run time and well done.  The acting left something to be desired especially Ben, the main male character.  Overall a fun flick with a great run time.  I give it a 6/10


1994-02-19 WCW Saturday Night

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever you have found this entry.  Today I am checking out the Saturday Night before Superbrawl!  Flair will be here I am sure and so will Vader I am guessing.  I have no idea what is going to be on the show but I think it is time to go find out!
  • The Boss...how did WWF not stop this the moment he showed up on TV?
  • Why is "Jungle" from the Everglades?
  • I love that Heenan just commented about the Everglades and Jungle thing
  • Did Steele just use the Stinger Splash?  Now we know why he did not stick around long
  • Worst finisher ever!
  • Payne was not what you would call a great promo was he?
  • A brush your teeth chant!
  • I love that the brush your teeth chant is still going for Missy
  • I wonder if they Nastys were as sloppy as they appear
  • And the Nastys get the win with the worst looking elbow ever
  • Did Ray Traylor have that much of an accent in WWF?  I feel like he hid it for Vince
  • I was always a big fan of The Patriot and really enjoyed his run in WCW
  • Regal challenging the Patriot!  That is why Regal is the greatest TV champ ever!!
  • Hell of a dropkick!
  • Did Santana ask Scotty Steiner for his 1990 ring gear?
  • A big win for the Patriot with the Uncle slam and looks good
  • Bagwell vs. Booker T, the match that ruined WCW in 2002!
  • Was 1994 the best year for tag teams in WCW since they left the NWA?  
  • THAT SHOULD BE A DQ!  Booker went over the top!!!
  • Heat was much more of a brawling team here before they renamed them to Booker and Stevie Ray
  • Scorpio killed himself!
  • I do love this version of Vader, 92-94
  • Vader looks like he kills people yet you hear stories he does not.  
  • It is so odd that Parker had a job for another 7 years but guys like Bobby Eaton would not
  • Weird, the teams are in wrong corners in my mind
  • I always like Lightning as Cobra, thought he was underrated
  • I do not remember a shoulder breaker in the past from Boss
  • Second best piledriver in wrestling!
  • It is amazing how much Brian's son looks like him.  It is like looking at a clone!
  • Jesus that was a little graphic for 1994!
  • This Mauler is AWFUL!
This felt like a very long show and very little movement, which is to be expected.  They have a big PPV tomorrow night but a really long AWFUL main event did not help.  Honestly this show was not good to be honest.  I cannot recommend anything on this show.

  • Interview:  The Boss
  • Jim Steele def. Ron Vegas
  • Interview:  Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne
  • Recap:  Starrcade '93
  • Brian Knobbs/Jerry Sags (WCW Tag Team Champions) def. Larry Santo/Otis Opollo
  • Starrcade Control Center:  Sir William & Steven Regal (TV Champion)/Arn Anderson
  • Interview:  Nick Bockwinkle & The Boss
  • The Patriot def. Ricky Santana
  • Kane/Kole def. Marcus Bagwell/2 Cold Scorpio via Countout
  • Interview:  Vader & Harley Race
  • Vader def. Bill Payne/Chris Sullivan/Otis Opollo/Ricky Tango
  • History:  Diamond Dallas Page & Terry Taylor
  • Thunder/Lightning def. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker/Ron Oakes
  • Interview:  Steve Austin (US Champion) & Rick Rude (International Champion) & Paul Orndorff & Col. Parker
  • The Boss def. Jake Stevens
  • Paul Orndorff def. Matt Shepard
  • Brian Pillman def. The Mauler
  • Interview:  Ric Flair (WCW Champion)


1994-02-19 USWA


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever it is you have found this entry.  Today, 2020-11-21, Survivor Series Eve, I am going back to 1994 and checking out some USWA action.  I am sure we will see some Gilberts and Lawler interactions.  Beyond that, I have no clue so enough speculation, it is time to see what one of the last few territories had for us on February 19th, 1994!
  • The video quality for this episode is not great
  • You do not really hear from Big Vito anymore at this point really
  • This video quality is just about unwatchable but I will do my best
  • So weird they were doing a German gimmick in 1994, did anyone hate the Germans at this point?
  • Did Skull just use the tights?  So weird and where is Big Business Brown?
  • Are they really going to do magic?  That is not going to get this kid over
  • Why would Del Rios and Bert let this happen?  Makes no sense
  • It can not be much of a club if Bert is back on his feet after several shots
  • Hot Stuff is on!
  • I love the drunk talk, love it.  Personal attacks are great and make for the best heat
  • Why was Koko still in his High Energy gear?  It is so weird
  • GHOSTBUSTER...wait...it is called the Birdbuster now?
  • That 3rd one looked vicious!
  • Eddie Marlin never backed down, did he?  Probably should have
  • Koko was in pretty good shape at this point
  • PG-13 is an underrated tag team especially for their size
  • I never really liked the Moondogs or their gimmick
  • I feel like it is a shame that Eddie Gilbert never got a better run with a major company, he was so good especially on the mic
  • I love the Brian Christopher laugh!!
  • Brian and Jerry look SO much alike!
  • Why would anyone want that van?  
  • It is too bad we did not get to see more Lawler in WWF at this point, he was still so good and smooth
  • Look how happy those fans are!
  • Eddie's reaction was fantastic to the loss
  • Just when you thought Eddie was down and out Hot Stuff had an ace up his sleeve
  • I love this near-insane version of Hot Stuff
  • The Lawler & Hot Stuff stuff feels so real it is fantastic
These shows are mostly about getting people down to the Mid-South Colosseum each week and I tell you it does it!  I want to get there to see Hot Stuff and Lawler in a few days!  Aside from the Lawler/Christopher vs. the Gilbert stuff not a lot great stuff.  The Skull Von Crush/Del Rios stuff is just silly.  I kind of like heel Koko but it is all about the Lawler stuff and it makes sense.  Worth checking out for the Lawler/Hot Stuff stuff if you can find a better version then I have!

  • Skull Von Crush def. Tony Williams
  • Interview:  Del Rios & Bert Prentice/Skull Von Crush
  • Interview. Eddie Marlin/Eddie Gilbert (Unified Champion)
  • Koko B. Ware def. Mike Anthony (WING Jr. Heavyweight Champion)
  • Interview:  Koko B. Ware
  • Highlights: Wolfie D def. JC Ice in a Hubcap on a Pole Match
  • Interview:  JC Ice/Wolfie D
  • Interview:  Eddie Marlin & Paul Neighbors
  • Highlights: Jerry Lawler/Brian Christopher & The Moondogs go to a No Contest
  • Segment:  Ronnie Lotts & The Moondogs (USWA Tag Team Champions)
  • Memphis Memories
  • Highlights: Brian Christopher def. Doug Gilbert (USWA Champion) for the Title
  • Highlights: Eddie Gilbert def. Jerry Lawler (Unified Champion) for the Title
  • Interview:  Brian Christopher (USWA Champion) & Jerry Lawler
  • Jerry Lawler def. Eddie Gilbert (Unified Champion) in a Crown vs. Gilberts Moms Car
  • Interview:  Eddie Gilbert (Unified Champion)/Jerry Lawler
  • Brian Christopher (USWA Champion) def. Ken Wayne via DQ

1994-02-19 Superstars


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever it is you have found this entry.  Today, 2020-11-15, we are going back to 1994 to check out a mid-February Superstars.  We are building up to the tenth anniversary of Wrestlemania...although without a sign to point to how do we know?  Anywho I am sure we will hear from at least one Hart Brother and the champions mouthpiece James E. Cornette, so enough talking I think it is time to go to the.....mp4
  • IT IS THE KING OF HARTS!!!  Wait.....spoilers
  • Owen vs. Marty?  Yes, please!
  • Cheap shot?  Marty was probably drunk and fell down Vince!
  • Oh man I loved Owen's belly to belly
  • I like that these guys are trying for pinfalls after big moves, unlike today, it is about winning
  • The man who invented the Sharpshooter with another win
  • Oh that suit Vince is wearing, exactly what I think of seeing Vince in
  • How is it Scotty Taylor looked older in 1994 then he did in 1998-99
  • Vince sounds so annoyed with Polo and I love it
  • Can you imagine if we had Madusa in her prime with some of the current stars.  Her vs. Bailey or Charlotte or Becky or.....did Polo just call her a sexy little tart?!?!
  • Nothing to write home about in that match, this is why the division just never took off in 1994 sadly
  • I always like Todd.  He always seemed so excited and genuine
  • I would have liked to see Quake take on Borga, I think that would have been a trainwreck of a match
  • Booger looks MUCH better with that haircut!
  • I do not remember Quake being announced from Canada except for when he was the Canadian Earthquake
  • Actually, the only chance you have against Quake is to attack early and quickly Vick!
  • I love to see Quake throw that dropkick, always one of my favorites especially during this mid 90's
  • I love me some Cornette!
  • WHAT IN THE HELL IS HE THERE FOR?  Luger has no right to be there this is Cornette and Company's time!
  • On the Take Tunney is clean this time?  I think not!
  • Way too much offense on Big Daddy Cool.  He should have been destroying people in 30 seconds still at this point in 1994
  • I loved WWF Royal Rumble game back in the day!
A really good show!  I love Polo and "Vick" on commentary!  The opening main event between Owen and Marty was really good, I could watch more matches between those two.  Kwang, Quake and Big Daddy were great.  I felt bad for Madusa as they did not have much for her at this point.  This felt amazingly quick and I could not believe the show was over when it was.  A really fun show

  • Owen Hart def. Marty Jannetty via Submission
  • Segment:  Bret Hart
  • Kwang def. Scott Taylor
  • Face to Face:  Shwan Michaels (Intercontinental Champion)
  • Segment:  Little Richard
  • Alundra Blayze (WWF Women’s Champion) def. Heidi Lee Morgan for the Title
  • Wretlemania Report:  Crush & Mr. Fuji/Randy Savage/ Sy Sperling
  • Segment:  Bucky & Vinnie (Showtime critics)
  • Earthquake def. Jim Massenger
  • Funeral Parlor:  Yokozuna (WWF Champion) & Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji/Lex Luger
  • Diesel def. Mike Moraldo
  • Face to Face:  Owen Hart
  • Segment:  Adam Bomb & Harvey Whipplemen