
Movie Review: Bottom 100: #38: Jack and Jill

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever it is you have found this entry.  Today, 10/7/18, I am checking out another bottom 100 flick.  This time it is Jack and Jill.  It stars Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes and Al Pacino.  "Family guy Jack Sadelstein prepares for the annual event he dreads: the Thanksgiving visit of his fraternal twin sister, the needy and passive-aggressive Jill, who then refuses to leave."  How can this flick possibly be bad...seriously....this is going to hurt I fear!

  • She is not working at Hooters...um...for reasons
  • Wait...I just laughed during the opening credits....obviously I have had enough rum
  • Yeah...painful
  • And the usual people start showing up in Sandler flicks
  • He likes tape?
  • I laughed a second time...I feel awful that I did!
  • Do not have a calculator...skype...got me a third time
  • What is with the weird jacket in the house?
  • And another laugh!
  • That was one of the creepiest smiles of all time!
  • I am done counting the laughs, this flick might actually be low brow funny
  • Of course Norm McDonald is unfunny, its what he does!
  • Al Pacino is crazy looking...is he acting?
  • I never want to see Adam Sandler putting on panties again
  • Wow Jared is in this flick
  • Rat Face!
  • Seriously Pacino is creepy
  • Bathroom humor...always funny
  • I am disturbed by this scene....a lot!
  • I am also disturbed by David Spade in drag
That was not even close to the trainwreck I assumed.  It was not great but it did make me laugh quite a bit.  

I would never say to watch this but if you flip past it and do not have anything better to do there are worst movies to watch!

It currently has a 3.3 but I think that is a little low.  I would give it a 5/10.  It is not GOOD but it is not bad either.  It is one of those flicks that you watch in a dark locked room so no one knows you are watching it but I will be honest but you will most likely laugh at some point.

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