Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever it is you have found this entry. Today, 2/19/18, I am checking out the second of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Out of the Shadows. It stars Megan Fox, Will Arnett and Tyler Perry. "After facing Shredder, who has joined forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman and henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady to take over the world, the Turtles must confront an even greater nemesis: the notorious Krang." I will admit the inclusion of more of the TV characters (I have never read the comics) does make me slightly excited. However it is still the horrible designs and writing so I a sure it will not be good. It currently has a 6.0 with 68,497 votes.
- Good grief I forgot how bad the voices are in this thing
- Or how bad they look
- Why am I watching this?
- That pizza would be ruined with all the flips
- Do we really need to be introduced to the characters?
- Nobody wants the Knicks to win
- So the Turtles spend their times making spitball shooters...
- Do you think Baxter ends up in drag at some point?
- That might be he best acting Fox has done...ever
- She looks like Allie McBiel
- Ah the teen boys like school girls scene
- Who wore the school girl outfit more? Britney Spears or Megan Fox
- Thta Bumblebee costume looked better than the one in Last Knight
- I have a feeling that Jones is going to "fail this city"
- yeah why are the shells in the back...oh he said bad
- Their horn is their theme song?
- Donnie was REALLY exited about seeing a helicopter
- Wait...Krang already has his giant robot suit?
- Why does everything look so horrible in these flicks
- So basically Jones is a 12 year old. "I'm going to be a detective someday! And play catcher for the Yankees!"
- So the team won't be unified for long
- How did he get his outfit back? From Krang?
- Of course we had to see Rocksteadys butt...of course
- Really? They looked at their dicks?
- That is the worst fake running I've seen in a while
- Oh alien jokes...because they said the turtles were going to be aliens
- Seriously...they are playing the video game music...seriously...this makes sad...on the inside
- Even Splinter is dumb in this flick...
- Finally tuned? These two? And what are they eating?
- Oh I think it is spaghetti
- Seriously...fart jokes...sigh
- Who planned this soundtrack?
- They're monsters...really?
- Where did they get a tank?
- A really long 30 second window
- Their shells look so bad
- The tank still works?
- Really with the sound effects?
- Gozer is coming...I mean Krang
- I love the "shocked guy getting out of a cab" shot in every flick that has the chance
- Mikey has arm bands like the Ultimate Warrior? Really?
- Do turtles even have knuckles?
- Are they trying to call Captain Planet?
- So no Baxter as a fly? BOO!
- BeeBop and Rocksteady are the best in the flick!
- Krang's suit is pretty cool looking
- Why does Krang stick out of the suit? That doesn't protect him at all
Well that was about what I expected. Some decent action (that you could not always see just like Transformers) and some really bad dialog!
I cannot fault the acting at all as I think everything did the best they could do with what they given. I felt for people like Amell and Linney who are used to better writing. While the action was similar to Arrow I wonder what Amell thought while saying some of the things he did!
Fox was her usual one blank expression self in the flick and Arnett was almost absent in the film which was surprising as much as he was used in the first one.
The repeating, as they do in EVER TURTLE MOVIE EVER, of the brothers fighting then coming back together is getting REALLY tiresome.
Overall I guess I call it a very normal and average flick. I would say 5/10. Nothing major and exactly what you would expect for this...nothing great!