
Book Review for Plague Zone

Another 'zombie' book goes down. This time it is Plague Zone by David Wellington. Much like a lot of zombie features out there, books, movies, games, what have you, these aren't the walking dead. These are infected people with a virus that eats away at the brain until there is no humanity left, just enough to make the people violent. While they do bite the uninfected they also will bite, claw and do whatever else they can to attack. It isn't the best book I've read and I had a hard time not giving it 2 out of 5 but it was average. Nothing ground breaking and very basic. It centers around a man trying to get back to Seattle after the outbreak. I won't say more then that as it will ruin things. Lets just say he runs into more than just the droolers on his way. If you want a fast read, I think I read it in two days....maybe three this isn't a bad choice. He has other books out there that I might look into.

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