
Glenn Beck

I recently found a talk radio station here in Twin. It is also a fair and balanced station that airs shows like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. When driving home from work I get to hear a little bit of Glenn's show.

Now I am sure some of you are wondering why I would do that. I sorta respect the controlled insanity that is Glenn Beck. Let me explain that. I am a big fan of Stephen King, everyone knows that, and he once called Beck "Satan's mentally challenged younger brother" and that is so fitting.

I look at Glenn almost like the anti-Christ. Now I am not what you would call religious but I do know some things about Christianity. I could be wrong but I believe that the anti-Christ will be a charming man that is seemingly leading us to a new golden age, to salvation but will ultimately lead us to doom. I believe Beck is a twist on that.

Beck believes what he is doing is actually for the good of America. I honestly believe that. People mock him almost constantly for crying...which he does almost constantly. I believe he does this because he actually is that emotional. He is the most dangerous kind of person...a believer. I believe could be the anti-Christ but not on purpose. I don't think he says these things and then goes to his home and does the evil maniac laugh and rubs his hands together.

I have actually started to download his shows to listen to them. He is fascinating. He is AWESOME. He is probably going to draw half a million to a million people for his 8-28 restoring honor...um...thing. He says it isn't a rally but I don't know what else to call it.

Glenn is strangely charming. I like the guy in a strange way as I said before. I remember watching him on CNN back when I was in Mass. He was doing a special on school violence and I didn't think he was insane then even though looking back he was. The reason I didn't think is because he hadn't quite found his controlled insanity. He wasn't so over the top quite yet but it was coming.

Glenn has created a multimedia giant. He has a paid website, a radio show, a TV show, his own production company, he puts out a book a year atleast and this year even a novel. He is one of the most well known people in the country right now.

Glenn is amazing at what he does, you have to agree with that even if you don't agree with his political viewpoints.

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