
Movie remakes and pre/sequels

As many of you know I am sort of a movie buff. I will watch almost any movie. Almost. Things like Titanic, the Stephanie Meyers Twilight series are among the movies that I won't EVER see. NEVER! Anyway I have been messing around on IMDB, one of the coolest websites ever, and I have found a few movies being remade or getting sequels that probably didn't need it.

Flowers for Algernon. It didn't deserve the FIRST movie let alone a remake starring Will Smith. I don't think I need to really say anything else. But you'll notice ALOT of Will Smith movies on this list.

ID4 2 and 3. Yes Independence day is getting not just one but two sequels. Now let me say I actually like the first movie. I'm probably in the minority but like the film. Its a good stupid summer movie. It has Adam Baldwin who has become one of my favorite actors. Also I'm slightly ashamed to admit it but I am a sucker for Bill Pullman's speech.

I am Legend prequel. Really? Unless it has more of his, Will Smith's characters, wife (she is one of the stars of SyFy's Eureka) I don't care. Salli Richardson-Whitfield is beautiful and such a good actress. Anyway the movie was so bad I don't care about what happened before...wait a prequel would mean before the vampires right? I'm confused...or maybe after the evacuation but before this movie....my head hurts now.

Austin Powers 4. The first one made me laugh. The second one was ok. The third one was HORRIBLE. Mike Myers is just horrible. He has completely lost it and I say that as someone who saw the Love Guru (don't ask, it is one of the biggest mistakes I made in a long time).

Mortal Combat. I know nothing about it other than its about 20 years too late. The first one was bad.

Another Pirate of the Caribbean movie. Good grief its based on a damn disney ride. I turned the first one off it was so bad. I sat through the second only because I went with people. I would rather be shot with a stun gun in the ball than watch another one of these things.

Transformer 3. Yes we all knew it was coming. 3 years ago I was excited as I hadn't been raped by Michael Bay yet. Honestly if it wasn't for the comic series and the possible upcoming video game I might have lost all faith in the universe that I've loved for over 25 years. My only hope is that maybe Bay will put some comedy in this one. Maybe have a few dogs humping or have a transformer with giant balls. Sarcasm people, those things destroyed my soul!

A Nightmare on Elm Street. I kinda like the original series. However with Robert Englund out there not to have him in the movie is just wrong. He IS Freddy and casting the guy from Watchmen as him is just wrong.

Sex in the City 2. I don't think I need to say anything else do I?

Step Up...in 3D. Again do I need to say anything else?

I will end this with Paranormal Activity 2. I loved the first one. I think it was one of the best movies I saw last year. I saw it three times in the theater. I think the premise of the film was great. I liked everything about the movie but I don't want to see a second one. Don't ruin it for money. Leave it be. If the people involved wanted to make another movie do it but leave what you made alone.

Ok I'm done. But I did come up with a movie that needs remade. Jurassic Park. Why? Because T-Rex is now a pussy and they need to make the movie to reflect this. Make the T-Rex all scavengery (is that a word?). Instead of him attacking the car it can sit in the bushes watching waiting for a real dinosaur to attack it so it can pick the bones of the car. Then at the end instead of saving Grant and company it can wait for the raptors to kill them and then come in and grab the bones like Ace does a bone when I give it him. But then again they have probably made Raptors into herbivores that had feathers and were actually the size of one of those rat dogs that bimbos carry around in their purses. Sorry I am watching the movie now and the idea of a scavenger T-Rex still pisses me off.

Well that is enough rambling. I'm off to finish watching more rifftrax until next time....


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