I understand that some people look at this as going against "God" but to me why would "God" not love people for who they are. I am a firm believer that you don't choose to be straight or gay. You are born who you are. I hate that we identify ourselves that way but that is something else for another time. I don't identify as straight or gay or bi or transexual or tri-sexual or anything else. I am me, I am Gene Bennett.
Now I understand that we all have free will (which is debatable as well) and that we are man have the ability to choice to live in sin or not. However explain to me how being born is a sin. These people didn't choice to be gay. Do you think they one day decided I want to live the rest of my life being shunned by nearly everyone. At 14 being kicked out of my house by my parents. To get mocked constantly by my peers at school. To get fired from work. These are all things that have happened to people. In Utah recently a young man was beaten and left for dead at his family business for no other reason then he was gay. You think ANYONE would choice that kind of life? Of course not. I have never asked nor would I ever ask but I'm willing to be many of those young men and women cried when they were alone wish they could just "be like everyone else". How many times have you heard about young men and women killing themselves because of the torment they went through!
Now that I think about it where does "God" say love thy neighbor unless he or she is gay, if that is they are sinners and deserve to die.
The "God" I once believed in was a loving "God" who wouldn't want his followers and his people judging and killing each other just because they were different. However that isn't "God" is it? No he is all about killing....but I'm veering off course again.
My point is that we as a nation, a world and dare I say a species need to start evolving. There is a storm coming boys and girls. I think we can all feel it We are more and more divided each day. Divided by sex. Divided by sexual preference. Divided by class. Divided by race. Divided by nationality. Divided by language. Divided by religion. That storm is coming and everyone will be caught up in it. We can't stop it, we can only prepare for it and hopefully reduce it.
Stop hating someone because their different. How does it affect you? Answer...it doesn't. Stop hurting each other. Stop fighting stop everything! Stop and look yourself in the mirror and ask how you would want to be treated. Treat each other how you'd like to be treated. Its simple. Its easy but we can't do it. We can't because we're human and we suck. We are horrible to each other and everything around us. We are. We destroy everything we touch. I swear to "God" it is time to give the planet to the next species and see if they can't fuck up a little less. Give it to the dogs or the birds or lizards or better yet just blow this whole planet up before we go out there and infect the rest of the Universe with our taint. Before we go out and infect the rest of the Universe with our hate!
In what should have been the beginning of a great week celebrating a great thing I realize that all this did for me is to highlight just how far we have to go...and I don't know if we can. But there is always hope. Hope that the next generation can pull their heads out of their asses and find a cure for the hatred that rests in humanity. That there is some grand cure or vaccination that will stop it. Perhaps the newer generations can be immune and we just have to wait for us older generations to die off. But it only takes one to bring it back. Hate is like the zombie virus, one person can create a horde and much like the zombie virus hate will be what destroys humanity.