My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This was an okay book. I thought it started well but then went off into that world that so many zombie books seem to do, not zombie stuff. What I mean by that is that it suddenly becomes about cults and sex and violence. I know what you're thinking, violence in a zombie book....outrageous! I mean random violence not against those things trying to eat the characters. So often the zombies don't even become back characters they become forgotten. This book seemed to try and take the George A. Romero approach and make a social commentary. This takes place during the 60's with Nixon still in office. Racial tension is still around and the hippies are all over the place. You have zombies returning to their homes after being dead.
I honestly finished it because I wanted the book to be become better. It was written well but not what I was looking for in the book. I only cared about the Reggie storyline.
It is possible that Mason was trying to be like Stephen King and keep you guessing to the fate of the characters. I just felt at times that none of the characters matter. The characters aren't given time for you to care about them. If felt rushed and I would have liked to have seen several characters removed and story lines given time to evolve and give me a reason to care about the characters. Unfortunately I didn't care about them.
overall if you enjoy zombie books it won't take long for you to read it. I wouldn't recommend it but wouldn't stop anyone from reading it either.
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